Minecraft players spend a lot of their time mining. Most of the game's most essential items come from mining. Iron, coal, gold, copper, lapis lazuli, Redstone and diamonds are all found underground. They can be obtained in other ways, but mining is the best way to go about it.
Each resource has a place that is best found underground. Everything recently changed thanks to the 1.18 Caves & Cliffs update. Everything underground has been modified since caves now go an entire chunk lower. Here are the best places to find resources when mining in Minecraft 1.18.
Best levels for resources in Minecraft 1.18
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The best overall level truly depends on which resource is the most important. Depending on Minecraft players in the game, that could be anything. However, most players would probably agree that diamonds are the most critical resource to look for.
With that in mind, diamonds have a level that they are more commonly found at. When strip mining, players can visit Y level -58 or -59. These two levels have the highest spawn chances for diamond ore. They're frequently found in caves, but these levels are excellent when strip mining.
Now, other resources are not as common on those two levels. For Redstone, the best place to mine is between Y level 0 and -64. On the other hand, for iron, it's on Y level 16. Lastly, for copper, that level is 48. Emeralds are frequently found at level 232.

That doesn't mean that Minecraft players won't find those resources mining at other levels. If players elect to head down to Y level -58, they'll find diamonds very frequently. They will also find Redstone, lapis lazuli, copper, iron, coal, gold and more.
Minecraft players won't find those ores as commonly, but they will still find them. They can head to that level knowing that they'll find a lot of diamonds (the most important resource) and enough of others to get by.
Ultimately, that makes Y levels -58 and -59 the best overall level to mine at. Plus, staircase mining down there will yield plenty of other resources, too. All in all, players will come out very well when mining there.
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