Many peaceful mobs can be bred in Minecraft. Breeding sheep is one of the oldest practices in Minecraft. It started all the way back in the very early Minecraft Java Edition Classic days of the game.
Sheep can not only be bred but also dyed different colors and bred further to create different colors of sheep altogether. Breeding sheep can be tons of fun for both new and old Minecraft players alike.
Here is everything a player needs to know about breeding sheep in Minecraft.
Breeding sheep in Minecraft
Obtaining Wheat

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To breed sheep in Minecraft, a player will need two sheep and a few wheat items. Players can get wheat from farming, either at a village with a finished wheat farm or on their own.
Players can make their own farm by digging up tall grass to get seeds. The player can then use a hoe to fertilize dirt, in the fertilized dirt the player can plant the seeds. If the player waits long enough, a wheat plant will grow from the seeds. Players should then harvest this and feed it to the sheep they'd like to breed.
Feeding wheat to the sheep

A player should feed wheat to an adult sheep by right-clicking on the sheep. Players should see hearts around the sheep after they've been fed. If the player feeds two of these adult sheep in the same area at the same time these sheep will mate and a baby sheep will be born.
Why breed sheep?

Why wouldn't players want to breed sheep? Sheep are adorable, they highlight any player's farm. Breeding sheep is a very easy way to get more sheep into a survival farm, otherwise players would have to wait for sheep to naturally generate or coax them into their farm with wheat. Both of those processes can take a while.
Colorful sheep
The best part about breeding sheep is the colors that players can dye them. It's possible to change the color of the sheep's wool in two ways. One way is to dye the sheep directly by right-clicking it with a dye in hand. The other way is to dye two different sheep two different primary colors and then breed them to produce a secondary color.

Redditor u/LilPeabnut created this chart to demonstrate how to breed sheep for different colors.
In Minecraft, players can only use certain primary colors to breed for secondary colors. Minecraft color mechanics work a bit differently than real-life color mechanics.
For example, players would expect to get lime green after mixing yellow and dark green sheep, but this is not the case. The only way to make lime green is to breed a dark green sheep with a white sheep. There are many more color combinations similar to this one.
Why breed sheep for their color?

The reason players may want to breed sheep to change their color is because it may be easier than having to craft the dyes separately and then dying the sheep after. Players can get certain sheep colors, and shear the sheep for their wool, without having to worry about crafting the dyes themselves.
It's also more fun to breed the sheep and see which color combinations come out. Players can follow this guide or try to figure it out on their own as well.
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