Known as Grimstone in past Snapshots, Deepslate has now been added to Minecraft.
Deepslate has a dark black color, which vanilla Minecraft builders must be quite happy about! While it's hard to hate it, many must be hoping Mojang doesn't change the name again!
Everything to know about Deepslate in Minecraft 1.17 Caves and Cliffs 21w08b Snapshot
How to acquire Deepslate
Deepslate makes up most of the blocks spawned below y = 0. At this level, stone blocks and ores will begin to stop spawning as stone and spawn as Deepslate ores. Stone will not spawn past y = -7.
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Deepslate is twice as hard to break as stone, so players will need to prepare accordingly before an adventure. Once it is broken, Cobbled Deepslate will spawn, much like Stone and Cobblestone.

Block variants
Much like Stone, Deepslate can be used in a ton of different block recipes. Here is a list of those recipes:
- Polished Deepslate
- Deepslate Bricks
- Deepslate Tiles
- Chiseled Deepslate
- Various Deepslate Walls
- Various Deepslate Stairs
- Various Deepslate Slabs
This is great news for builders, as they have been itching for new blocks. Deepslate and its variants are especially great-looking blocks and will be used in tons of builds to come.

Deepslate ore
Along with the many building blocks listed, Deepslate ores have also been added to Minecraft. They look a lot different from stone ores and are harder to break. Listed below are the ores with a deepslate version:
- Deepslate Gold
- Deepslate Iron
- Deepslate Diamond
- Deepslate Redstone
- Deepslate Lapis
These ores can be observed below.

Deepslate is one of those things that is hard to be unhappy about. It acts as a great building block and adds a whole new section to Minecraft's underground aspect. Hopefully, some great Deepslate builds will show up in the near future!
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