Crops are vital for Minecraft players. For starters, they're all edible and can be made into better foods that are more useful. Carrots can be made into golden carrots, which are used to breed horses and are also a really good food source. Beetroots can be made into soup. Potatoes can be baked, which adds a lot more hunger recovery. Wheat can be made into bread, which is great for eating and an exceptional way to breed villagers.
Since these items have such vast and important uses, it makes sense for Minecraft players to have big gardens with lots of crops. Farming them continuously can be a tedious task, so this article will explain how to do it a lot easier.

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Farming crops easily in Minecraft
There's really only one way to automatically farm crops, but it can be a game changer with a big garden. Player's need lots of sticky pistons, blocks, water, chests, hoppers, redstone and repeaters. The bigger the garden, the more items needed to craft this. For example, a 10 row long garden will need 10 sticky pistons and a lot of redstone.
First, the garden has to be made. For the purposes of this example, the garden will be 15 rows across and 7 blocks down. There will need to be 15 sticky pistons across at the level below the garden. They'll need to be activated with any block on top of them, blocking the water from flowing over the garden. This water will need to be encased so it doesn't flow elsewhere.
Redstone activates all the pistons and connects them, with repeaters when necessary, to a lever at some place around the garden. When the lever is flipped off the blocks will drop, allowing water to flow down seven blocks from the source. Flipping the lever will cover it up and keep the source blocks encased.

At the end of the garden, there needs to be 15 hoppers attached to chests that will collect all of the crops that flow into them.
The crops can then be collected out of all the chests. There's no real way to automatically plant them, though, so Minecraft players will need to plant them again themselves to repeat the process.
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