Minecraft has a wide variety of blocks available to players. There are a ton of possibilities when building anything in Minecraft and the blocks that make them possible can be extremely fun.
Some blocks in Minecraft are really cool and unique, but finding them is a difficult task. There are blocks in the other dimensions, the Nether and the End, that are naturally very difficult to acquire. One such block would be the purpur block.
Here's how to find it in Minecraft.
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Purpur block in Minecraft
Finding purpur blocks in Minecraft is as easy as finding an End City - it's not. End Cities are made of purpur blocks, and it's the only way to acquire it. That means getting this block is going to require beating the game and that is no easy feat. First things first, the End has to be found.
This can be done in a variety of ways. The End Portal is always found in a stronghold, so finding one of those will allow players to eventually reach the portal (eventually is the key word, because strongholds are effectively mazes).
Minecraft players can visit villages and check underneath them or use the eyes of Ender to simplify the task. Once they're in and find the portal, filling it up will open up the End.
Inside the End, players will have the tall task of defeating the Ender Dragon.
It's difficult to do, but once it's completed, there will be another portal inside the End. Building up to it and throwing an Ender Pearl inside will transport players to where End Cities can be found. If they are lucky, there will be one right there.
Otherwise, it's going to require some dangerous exploring. Building or teleporting (with Ender Pearls) across the void is one of the most dangerous tasks in Minecraft.
Eventually, players will come across the End City, which can house an elytra. Apart from dangerous encounters, this place contains elytra, shulkers and the purpur blocks.

Mining purpur blocks doesn't require anything but a stone pickaxe. Once mined, they can be picked up and used to craft slabs or stairs. It doesn't have a lot of uses, but is a rare building block that can be used to create unique builds.

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