Spiders are a common pet for many people, but that is not true for Minecraft players. Though there are plenty of different pets available in the game, spiders are often not considered one of them.
While there just might be a way to get a spider as a pet, the methods to acquire one may be unconventional. Here's how players can get a spider as a pet in Minecraft.
Making a spider a pet in Minecraft
Unfortunately, spiders cannot be tamed or bred in Minecraft. They spawn at night, which makes them hostile. However, during the day, they won't attack and will be neutral unless attacked first.
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Thus, they can only be made pets during the day. Since they cannot be put on a lead, this becomes rather difficult. However, like many mobs, it is possible to push them by walking into them over and over.
With this in mind, players can push spiders into an area and close it off. This is easiest if there are only a couple of blocks that need to be filled in behind it.
Glass blocks will work well as a sort of terrarium for the new pet. It should not be opened after that, as they can and will escape.
That's currently the only way players can "control" spiders. They can't be put on a lead, they aren't prone to following a particular food item (like cows or pigs) and they're not able to be collected in buckets.
They can, however, be put into boats and transported that way. This can work better than pushing them into something, but it is still not technically "taming."
While there have been plenty of fan theories as to how taming a spider might work, they have yet to be added by Mojang.
However, there are plenty of other mobs that can be tamed or collected. There are several that can be put on leads and made into pets, including:
- Wolf
- Cat
- Axolotl
- Fish
- Turtle
- Chicken
- Horse
- Cow
- Pig
- Fox
- Goat
- Ocelot
- Parrot
- Rabbit
- Zoglin
- More
For now, players can't make a spider a pet. However, given that spiders do exist as pets in the real world, there could be a possibility that this feature might be added in a future update.
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