Fireworks have many different uses in Minecraft. They can be used to boost players who are gliding with an elytra or boost them off the ground to begin the glide. They can also be used as weapons. Crossbows can shoot them, and a crossbow enchanted with Multi-Shot I can fire three at a time. They can also be used in a regular fireworks show.
Making and using explosive fireworks in Minecraft
Paper and gunpowder will craft a firework. When it is crafted without a firework star, it will not have an explosive effect. Fireworks stars are crafted with gunpowder, dye and a mob head, gold nugget, feather, or fire charge. When fireworks are crafted with fireworks stars, they will explode.
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The height the firework rises to is between 8 and 20 blocks with one gunpowder, 18 to 34 blocks with two gunpowder, and 32 to 52 blocks with three gunpowder. The recipe is one paper, one firework star and x amount of gunpowder, depending on how high the player wants it to go.
In order to set these off, they can be set on a block and lit on fire, but the easiest way is to either shoot them with a crossbow or using a dispenser. A dispenser can be filled with fireworks and connected with redstone to a nearby button, tripwire, lever or other redstone mechanic. This can be used to great effect when trying to set up a fireworks show.

The color of the dye used in crafting the firework star will determine the color of the explosion. There can be several combinations that players can experiment with. There are endless possibilities with color, height and duration. These can also be found in Minecraft Creative mode. Fireworks and fireworks stars are found at the bottom of the "Items" tab.
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