Grass is a plentiful item in Minecraft. It grows throughout every biome except for oceans, deserts, mesas, and iceberg biomes. This makes grass widely available for players to use and grow.
There are three different grass variants in Minecraft. There are tall grass blocks that grow in all sorts of biomes and can reach two blocks high. These tall grass blocks are often found in plains and forest biomes.
There are grass blocks that only grow up to one block high. These are quite common and often drop wheat seeds when mined. When sheered, these grass blocks will drop a grass block which players can place elsewhere.
The last grass variant is the grass on top of dirt blocks. This grass is found virtually everywhere in Minecraft. This article dives into the process of growing grass.
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Also read: Top 5 uses for grass in Minecraft.
How to grow grass in Minecraft
The easiest way for players to grow grass blocks in Minecraft is bonemeal. Bonemeal is a grass, plant, and crop fertilizer made from the bones of skeletons.
These bones can be found throughout the Minecraft world during the dawn hours when skeletons have freshly died. Bones are also dropped from skeletons when a player kills them. There are several other ways for players to get bones in Minecraft as well.
To use bonemeal as a fertilizer, the player must have bonemeal in their hand. Once the bonemeal is in their hand, they should right-click on the ground, and a grass block will grow. Be patient, as it often takes a few bonemeals to produce immediate results.
Use bonemeal to grow tall and small grass blocks on any existing dirt block. It works much better if the dirt block is already grassy.
Growing grass on a dirt block
Oftentimes players are faced with the challenge of growing grass on a plain dirt block. This can take ages in Minecraft and is comparable to watching paint dry.
The easiest way to grow grass on those sad dirt blocks is to raise the light level of the area. Grass will form on top of dirt blocks at high light levels. The higher the light level, the easier the grass will form.
Grass scouting

Another way to grow grass is to search for already existing grass and tall grass blocks. These are often found in plains and forest biomes.
The player needs a sheer to collect these blocks. Right-click on the grass blocks with the sheer in hand and then pick up the grass block item.
Players can plant this grass block anywhere they desire. Once the block is planted, it will technically grow again.

Players who enjoy using commands in Minecraft should be pleased to know they can also grow grass using a command. The command to grow grass is:
/give @p grass 1 or /give @p tallgrass 1 1
This will give the player regular or tall grass in their inventory. From there, place it anywhere in the world.
Also read: How to get seeds in Minecraft.
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