Iron has a ton of uses in Minecraft, making it arguably the most sought-after resource. Diamonds are the best, but iron has a lot more benefits, and it's a little easier to come by as well. Iron is typically used for tools and armor, but there's another use that many players should know: iron doors.
Iron doors are great because they cannot be opened by clicking them, and mobs won't break them down. Here's how to craft and use them in Minecraft.
Guide to iron doors in Minecraft
Iron doors are crafted using iron ingots, acquired by smelting raw iron (or iron ore if it's version 1.16 or earlier) at a one-to-one ratio. Six of those ingots are used to craft iron doors, which will produce three of them. More iron will be needed to make them work, however.
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Heavy pressure plates are made out of iron and are helpful for iron doors. Something has to trigger the door, and that is often a pressure plate, but only heavy ones will work. Two ingots will make three pressure plates. Iron doors cannot be opened without a Redstone pulse.
Buttons, levers, and other Redstone devices will open the door, but it needs to be within one block of the door to work. Levers will keep the doors open, but everything else will cause the door to close after the Redstone stops emitting.
Iron doors follow the same rules as wooden doors do in terms of placement. They have to be in a two-block opening and placed based on where the player is when they click to put it.
While wooden doors can only be broken on Hard difficulty by mobs, iron doors are unbreakable by anyone other than a player. Additionally, villagers and other mobs that can use doors cannot use iron doors unless they inadvertently walk on the pressure plate or are shown how.
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