Jigsaw blocks are the most complicated blocks to use in Minecraft. They are unattainable in the Minecraft creative inventory and can only be summoned into the game using commands. Being developer-oriented blocks, they can generate structures with specific commands when placed in the correct orientation.
It can be very difficult for players to start using jigsaw blocks in Minecraft owing to the high learning curve. So, this article covers the simplest possible tutorial to use jigsaw blocks in the game.
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Obtaining a jigsaw block in Minecraft
As mentioned before, jigsaw blocks cannot be obtained by natural means; they must be summoned using commands. The jigsaw block command is:
/give @s jigsaw
What can a jigsaw block be used for?
Jigsaw blocks can be used to create roads, houses, naturally generated structures, and more. They can also generate a specific type of house or village structure, depending on what level the block is set to.
These blocks are supposed to make developers' jobs easier while creating Minecraft worlds. However, they are not used often because of their complexity.
Jigsaw mechanics
Lines and commands

When players right-click on a jigsaw block, a few lines with different commands will show up. Here are a few of the important ones:
Target Pool

The first step to using jigsaw blocks is to learn their mechanics. To use a jigsaw block, players must first select a target pool.
A target pool is the data pack that the jigsaw block draws from to create structures.
"Turns into" line
After the jigsaw block is used to create a structure, players can control what the jigsaw block turns into.
The default setting for this is the jigsaw block turning into air. To make sure the jigsaw block turns to air, players should type the instruction "Minecraft:air" in the "turns into" line on the jigsaw block.
There are seven different levels players can choose from when generating a structure. Level 1 creates a relatively small and simple structure type. Level 7 is the most complex one and adds many details that are not included in the lower levels.
Target Name
This is what the jigsaw block will be used to generate. Players can put a road, house or other structures into this category by typing "Minecraft:house" or "Minecraft:empty."
Jigsaw blocks in use
To use a jigsaw block, players must fill out each of the lines above with their desired results.
To generate structures, players will need to place two jigsaw blocks so that their arrows are on top of the blocks and are pointing at each other.
Here in an example of generating village using jigsaw blocks in Minecraft:
- Get yourself a jigsaw block using command.
- Place it on ground.
- Change Target Pool to minecraft:village/plains/streets.
- Change Name to minecraft:streets
- Leave Target Name and Turns Into just as they are.
- Set levels based on how big you want the village to be.
- Click Generate to create a street area, which will spawn more jigsaw blocks.
- From, there you can go to indivudal jigsaw blocks and start spawning in village houses and decorations.
The blocks must touch each other, and their arrows must point at each other to function properly. Players will then be able to customize the jigsaw structures as much as they desire.
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