Looms in Minecraft can be very useful. They're the only block that allow for the creation of banners. They provide jobs for villagers, making them shepherds. They will then trade emeralds for wool, which is a very valuable trade. Banners can be crafted, but they can only be edited in a loom.
In order to make any kind of banner, players have to use a loom. Here are all the steps to use one.
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Using a loom in Minecraft
The first step towards using a loom is to craft one. Fortunately, the crafting recipe is a very simple one for Minecraft players. Two wooden planks of any kind and two strings will craft a loom. After that, it can be used by anyone who clicks on it and will be picked up by the closest jobless villager.
Once it is crafted, a loom works a bit like a crafting table. Both have a sort of crafting grid that can craft certain items, but looms will only work using banners. Banners, coincidentally, have to be crafted before being put into the loom.

The recipe for a banner is also simple. One stick and six wools will do the trick. The color of the wool needs to be the same and it will determine what color the banner is. The banner can then be used in tandem with the loom.
Banners can also be acquired in a level 5 trade from shepherd villagers, which are created by assigning a loom to a jobless villager.
The loom is designed to create the patterns on the banner. The loom will have three slots for the pattern: one for dye, one for the banner and one for the banner pattern. Inserting all three of those things will result in a specific banner pattern.
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