Every experienced player is familiar with Minecraft and its many biomes, one of which is the Jungle Biome.
Similar to real-life jungles, these Minecraft jungles are rich in animals, plants, and trees. The trees in the jungle can be normal one block and regular-sized trees, or four-block across in width. These mammoth four-width trees reach extremely high into the air and create a dark blanket on the jungle floor.
When players chop these trees, it's smart to create a spiral staircase up the tree. It's easy for the player to climb up and reach the treetops, and it's also easy for the player to climb back down.
Jungle biomes can be difficult for newer players to navigate and come in many different variants. Jungles are great for resources because of their large trees, and many rare plants that spawn within them. Here is everything a player will want to know about Jungle Biomes in Minecraft.
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Also read: 5 best biomes in Minecraft in March 2021
Enter Minecraft's Jungle Biome

The entrance
From afar the player may be very intimidated by the jungle's appearance. Mammoth jungle trees loom over players similar to the extreme hills and mountains found elsewhere on the player's map. As the player enters, the climate gets warmer and temperate, and the jungle floor becomes a bit darker.
Navigating these luscious forests can be quite difficult for those inexperienced as the jungle seems to carry on for miles in each direction, once the other biomes are out of sight.
The animals and mobs

Many animals call the grand jungle biome their home. These include:
- Sheep
- Pigs
- Cows
- Chickens
- Ocelots
- Parrots
- Pandas
- Bats
Out of these animals, Ocelots, Parrots, and Pandas will only spawn in a jungle biome region. These mobs are all peaceful towards players, and parrots can at times land on players' shoulders.
All normal mobs spawn in jungle biomes at night, and jungle biomes can get dangerous during the day as well, as the protection from the leaves can keep skeletons and zombies alive throughout the day. Players should take great care tracking through these jungles.
Foods and Plants

Jungle biomes are home to two very important plants, these being cocoa beans and melons. These plants are rare to find in any other biome or even in villages, and coming across one in the jungle is a great achievement for vanilla survival players.
Jungle Biome Variants

The latest version of Minecraft has seven different variants of the jungle biome. Each is a jungle biome, but they each differ slightly, some with more resources and materials.
Regular Jungle
It was the first jungle biome to appear in Minecraft. It's the classic mammoth tree type of jungle with lots of vegetation covering the trees and ground. Jungle pyramids can also generate in this biome type.
Jungle Hills

This is a more mountainous version of the jungle biome. In this sub-biome, massive hills will generate in the middle of the jungle, making navigation even more challenging for players.
Modified Jungle

This is a jungle variant similar to the Jungle Hills, except it's even more rare and mountainous than the previously mentioned sub-biome. Players do not want to spawn inside these monstrous regions.
Jungle Edge

Taking a turn from dangerous and difficult sub-biomes is the Jungle Edge biome. This sub-biome was created to smooth the transition into a regular jungle biome, by adding jungle trees and vegetation slowly into the area surrounding jungles.
Modified Jungle Edge
This is the rarest sub-biome in the game by far. This sub-biome can only spawn under specific conditions, and has the same purpose as the Jungle Edge biome, but occurs before a Modified Jungle, rather than a regular one.
Bamboo Jungle

These small sub-biomes only generate within regular jungles. They are characterized by their large bamboo patches that stretch out across the terrain.
Bamboo Jungle Hills
These are almost identical to the Bamboo Jungle, except instead of spawning in a regular jungle, they spawn in the jungle hills biome.
Also read: The uses for bamboo in Minecraft
Minecraft gameplay

When players enter this magical, vegetation-rich region of Minecraft, they should be wary of mobs, but also aware of the great resources that surround them. Players can explore the region in search of jungle pyramids where they can find loot and other valuable resources.
Players may also want to create a jungle fort in the sky, as these provide serious protection from the ground. The only trade-off is a dangerous hike down and outside on the jungle floor.
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