The Minecraft 1.18 update was released on November 30, and so many players have already had the chance to experience it. The game is a lot different and one thing that often comes with updates are new biomes.
The game has an expansive list of biomes, so much so that players may not have even seen a few of them yet. After adding a few in the 1.18 update, here's how many are in the game right now.
All biomes in Minecraft following 1.18 Caves & Cliffs update
There are a total of 51 biomes and sub-biomes in Minecraft following the 1.18 update. The Mesa biome, which is commonly referred to as the Badlands, has two sub-biomes:
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- Wooded Badlands
- Eroded Badlands
Two more common biomes include the Desert and Savanna biomes. The desert does not currently have any sub-biomes, but the Savanna has the Windfallen Savanna and the Savanna plateau.

The Jungle biome is a fairly common Minecraft biome and also has two sub-biomes:
- Bamboo jungle
- Sparse jungle
Mushroom Fields is one of the rarest biomes in the game, and it has no sub-biomes. The plains is arguably the most common biome and it currently has two sub-biomes in the Beach and the Sunflower Plains.
The Swamp is the only biome where witches' huts can spawn. The Dark Forest biome is the only place where Woodland Mansions can spawn and that has naturally growing dark oak trees.
There is one main Forest biome and one sub-biome: the Flower Forest. There is also the Birch Forest and the Old Growth Birch Forest. The following aquatic biomes and sub-biomes are also found in Minecraft:
- River
- Ocean
- Deep Ocean
- Warm Ocean
- Deep Warm Ocean
- Lukewarm Ocean
- Deep Lukewarm Ocean
- Cold Ocean
- Deep Cold Ocean
- Deep Frozen Ocean
The Taiga biome, which is known for its spruce trees, has one sub-biome in the Old Growth Spruce Taiga. The following are also available sub-biomes:
- Windswept Hills
- Windswept Forest
- Windswept Gravelly Hills
- Stony Shore
There is a Snowy Beach, Snowy Taiga and a Snowy Plains biome. The following are the snow-related sub-biomes:
- Ice Spikes
- Frozen River
- Frozen Ocean
- Snowy Slopes
The following are the 1.18 new biomes:
- Jagged Peaks
- Frozen Peaks
- Lush Caves
- Meadow
- Grove
- Stony Peaks
- Noodle Caves
- Spaghetti Caves
- Cheese Caves
- Dripstone Caves
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