Another Minecraft 1.18 pre-release snapshot has been released for Java Edition. It is a small one that does not have a lot of bug fixes.
To install it, players need to enable the snapshot option in the Installations tab of the Minecraft launcher. They can then proceed to create a new pre-release 7 installation.
Like the previous pre-release, this one brings a few changes to textures and cave biome features. The release date of the Minecraft 1.18 update is very close, and if nothing goes wrong, it will come out next week, on November 30.
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Minecraft 1.18 pre-release 7
Everything changed in this pre-release snapshot
- The side texture of the dirt path block has been slightly changed. Moved up 1 pixel of the dirt path to match up with the side of dirt blocks.
- The developers have once again changed the texture of stripped oak logs.
- Like the previous pre-release snapshot, the numbers of features in the lush and dripstone cave biomes have been increased.
Fixes made in this pre-release snapshot
Only five bugs have been fixed in Minecraft 1.18 pre-release 7. Here's a list of all of them:
- Azalea trees generating in more than two blocks of water.
- Large Biomes/Amplified world types not being able to be generated from scratch by servers.
- Excessive lag was caused at the world border when the render distance was set to 13.
- One pixel 5low dirt part of the dirt path texture.
- Old "Level" Compound is not deleted when optimizing a world created in 1.17 in version 1.18. This resulted in increased world size.
New biomes in the upcoming Minecraft 1.18 update

This is one of the most extensive Minecraft updates that will bring many new world-generation features. New cave and mountain biomes will be introduced, and world heights are also being increased.
The six mountain biomes in version 1.18 are meadows, groves, snowy slopes, jagged peaks, stony peaks, and frozen peaks. The new cave biomes are lush caves and dripstone caves.
Sadly, the deep dark and all the features related to it, including the Warden, have been moved to Minecraft 1.19 that will come out next year.
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