After last week's announcement and Minecraft 21w15a's release, Mojang is now focused on bringing a flawless first update of Minecraft Caves and Cliffs. The Swedish Game Development Studio made the right choice by splitting the update as otherwise; it could have been a disastrous buggy update.
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs Snapshot 21w16a is the first snapshot after the split. Last week's snapshot reverted many features such as world height and deep caves back to normal.
The 21w16a features changes to dripstone and azaleas. As usual, there are also some bug fixes related to previous snapshots and versions. Here are the new features and changes in the Minecraft Snapshot 21w16a.
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Full list of changes for Minecraft Java Edition 21w16a Snapshot

- Azalea and Flowering Azalea can now be bonemealed to get an Azalea Trees
- Added dripstone growth
- If a stalactite is hanging from a dripstone block with a water source above, it will slowly grow both the stalactite from above and a stalagmite from below
- Growth speed is random but very slow; a single growth step can take several Minecraft days
- A stalactite will only grow up to 7 blocks long
- A stalactite will only cause stalagmite growth if the floor or stalagmite below is within 10 blocks
- If the stalactite tip is inside water, it won’t drip, and therefore won’t trigger any growth
- If the stalagmite tip is inside water, it won’t receive drops, and therefore won’t be grown by a dripping stalactite. Same thing if there is any fluid between the two tips
- A stalagmite or stalactite will never grow into a fluid

Tweaked the texture of raw ores and raw ore blocks
There are also some new features and changes in the experimental Caves and Cliffs Datapack. Fans can download the updated datapack and enjoy the features planned for the winter update.

- Aquifers below height 0 will sometimes be lava aquifers instead of water aquifers
- Ore veins can now spawn underground
- Ore veins are large, rare, snake-like underground ore formations
- Copper veins form above height 0 and are mixed with granite
- Iron veins form below height 0 and are mixed with tuff
- Users who previously permanently declined server resource packs will now still be shown the pack prompt if the pack is mandatory (instead of being immediately disconnected)
- The statistic for play time has been renamed to play_time
- There is now a statistic for “Time with World Open” (total_world_time) that also includes the time when the game was paused
There are also many bug fixes related to mob's behavior, new mobs, ore generation, and more. Players can read about the bug fixes on Minecraft's official website.
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