A Minecraft Redditor, "u/blucubed," recently posted a video of how they performed the world's tallest water bucket MLG in the game. In the video, they were seen towering all the way to the building's height, flying with multiple elytras and countless firework rockets to reach around Y level 150,000.
Once they reached this height, they started falling down right to the bedrock layer of the Overworld, where a huge target sign was made, and they successfully performed the water bucket MLG and survived. On top of all this, the MLG was done in a hardcore world.

Since the water bucket MLG has been one of the most famous tricks in the game, many players have tried unique ways to clutch the trick. Several other MLGs have been tried as well. However, almost no one has tried to perform a water bucket MLG from that high up. Hence, the original poster claims he set the world record for it in the game.
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Since the Redditor is also a YouTuber, they have posted a long video showcasing how they worked for this achievement.
Users react to Minecraft Redditor clutching the water bucket MLG from 150,000-block height
As mentioned above, the water bucket MLG is an extremely famous trick players use to save themselves from taking fall damage in the game. Hence, this particular post attracted many people on the official Minecraft subreddit. Within a day, it received over 4000 upvotes and over a hundred comments. The YouTube video also got more than 3000 views.
Some players started discussing how the original poster could have gone higher with different methods, like using trident riptide during thunderstorms. The original poster chipped in and gave his insight as well.

Some Redditors joked about what would happen if the original poster accidentally pressed Q, which would have thrown the water bucket from their hand. Several people replied that they keep a separate button for releasing an item from their hand.

Apart from that, most of the subreddit members were simply impressed and surprised by the world record water bucket MLG set by the original poster. One of the Redditors had an interesting question about how the in-game character would come out of the pit that was dug all the way down to the bedrock layer.
The original poster revealed that they created a separate hardcore world solely to perform the world record MLG. The in-game character is still stuck in the pit after they complete the MLG.

Overall, thousands of members of the official subreddit were genuinely impressed by the trick.
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