Minecraft Redditor u/BirchTainer had the great idea to determine what blocks were located in a chunk of his choice. This was an ingenious idea, and gives players an idea of how rare certain resources are.
This post obviously did extremely well, as even experienced players may not know what a single chunk may contain. An even better test would be to graph a bunch of chunks, and figure out the average.
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Minecraft Redditor makes a graph of all of the blocks found in one chunk
The Graph

This graph gives players an idea of what to expect when exploring the caves of the Overworld. Readers must keep in mind that resources such as Diamond, Redstone, Lapis, etc are labeled in "Other" as they didn't show up enough to have their own slice.
Most players are not shocked to see the amount of Stone and Dirt, however the Andesite, Diorite, and Gravel amounts are surprising. Many players seem to run into Gravel all the time, which is especially frustrating. Blocks such as Andesite, Diorite, and Granite are also surprisingly low, as they seem to be very common.
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One Redditor asked the original poster (OP) why he doesn't include air blocks, as they technically fill up most of the chunk. The commenter obviously didn't think this one through, as the chart would be almost useless if air was included.

Some players were curious as to how the OP got their block information. It is then revealed that World Edit gives players the ability to know this info. This is great information for someone who wants to take a bigger sample size for a study.
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The OP realizes he forgot to label Iron in his graph. This confused many players, especially those who were curious about how much Iron they should expect to find in a chunk.

Many players were shocked to realize how uncommon Gravel was in this chunk. It is not uncommon for players to run into a giant vein of Gravel when they don't have a shovel. Also shown is an amazing subreddit that players are recommended to check out.

The OP reveals the most important info: Diamond stats. The OP found seven diamonds in this chunk, which doesn't seem to be too bad. Players may wonder if that is above or below average.
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