A Minecraft player has come up with an absolutely ingenious method of bringing tennis into the game. With slime blocks, redstone, and a few other key items, they've been able to set up a tennis match. While the CPU is unlikely to miss playing a return, it is the closest anyone's come to bringing a genuine sport into the game.
The player has used an armor stand as the tennis ball, besides utilizing ice and other items for the match. Check out the incredible result in this article.
Minecraft Redditor impresses with a unique tennis match
In this virtual Minecraft tennis match, an armor stand is used as a ball, as it is an item that can be moved around without breaking or dropping. Unfortunately, a snowball or other projectile wouldn't work because they would break.
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They have it set up to where the CPU is a redstone device that senses when the armor stand has gotten close enough. It then shoots the pistons with slime blocks out, sending the "ball" back over the makeshift net to the Minecraft player.
On their side, they have used a tripwire hook that's been enchanted with Knockback III. This is a pretty rare item as most tripwire hooks don't have enchantments, nor are they used for anything much.
Nevertheless, it allowed the player to knock the armor stand back to the CPU and engage in an almost never-ending tennis match.

One gamer in the comments said that it was more akin to squash, which is where the player hits the ball into the wall over and over again. It is almost like solo tennis, which is kind of what the Redditor constructed.
Another player complimented the original creator on their creativity in making this contraption that most wouldn't have attempted:
A different gamer asked whether or not this creator could make a tutorial and a version for multiple players. They responded that they'd been wanting to make it bigger and better and had plans for more.
The community loves this extremely unique build and gave it almost 1000 upvotes at the time of writing.
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