Created by u/nrgmix, these mines give the Minecraft name a whole new meaning. Built using Copper Blocks, Lightning Rods, and Chains, these mines look oddly dangerous! They would probably look great in the ocean of a war or submarine adventure map.
These mines made quite the impact on Reddit, gaining over 50 thousand upvotes in two days! Players were shocked at the ingenuity of the OP, using Lightning Rods in a highly unorthodox manner.
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Minecraft Redditor builds naval mines in the latest Minecraft Java Edition Snapshot
The Build

The OP ingeniously uses the new blocks added to the new Snapshots to create these mines.
Specifically, the build starts out with Chains on the bottom, likely touching the ocean floor. The chain then leads up to a Lightning Rod which is connected to a Copper Block. OP then places Lightning Rods on each remaining face of the block, creating a classic ocean mine look.
These mines are very important builds as they have the potential to inspire other Minecraft players. When others view how the OP uses some of the new blocks for unorthodox purposes, they will be inspired and find other ways to use these new blocks. Specifically, the use of chains underwater gives the mines the illusion of floating. This is great information to know for future underwater builds.
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These players are expressing how realistic these mines look, almost as if they were added to Minecraft! Many players agreed with this, as explained with the 3.9k upvotes. Another player stated how he would love an actual sea mine block.

These Redditors talk about features that would be added around these mines if they were real.

Other Redditors made suggestions for the update after the Caves and Cliffs update. A whole update focusing on weapons and explosions would be very interesting. Minecraft can use some extremely dangerous and exciting explosions.
Also read: Minecraft Reddit community shares views on latest 21w11a Snapshot
Reactions (cont.)

The builder was inspired by the OP's build, already imagining how he is going to use these to spice up his world. An ocean monument surrounded by these mines would undoubtedly look haunting.

This Redditor imagines a scenario where an unsuspecting player discovers these mines and isn't quite sure what they are.
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