Minecraft Redditor u/warpmanih, inspired by previous posts which showed players creating waves with Minecarts, decided to turn it up a few notches. They created the same effect with hundreds of boats instead of Minecarts.
As seen in this post, many Redditors were mesmerized by the fluidity of the waves produced. Players can only hope that the water in Minecraft produced this effect as well.
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Minecraft Redditor creates a giant wave effect with boats
The Build

As seen in the photo above, with the activation of a Redstone Pulse, the boats spring to life and create a beautiful rippling effect. With hundreds of Redstone Repeaters beneath the boats, this can only be described as magic.
This build must've taken several hours for OP to build. However, it likely paid off, as the post amassed almost 30,000 upvotes in 24 hours. Many Redditors had a lot to say about this amazing and inspiring build.
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Players were mesmerized by the movement of the boats. It is almost hypnotizing to watch. It is also intriguing because this effect could be recreated in Minecraft.

One imaginative Redditor recalled how the wave effect looked similar to a blanket being fluffed. Other Redditors agreed with this. It was an astute observation.

It would be hilarious to see what this build would look like if each boat had a mob inside it. This would obviously take a very long time to create, but some players may contemplate whether the sweet Reddit karma is worth it.

It is hard to imagine this type of effect existing in Minecraft. It is similar to the way fluids act in a container. It is awe-inspiring to see. It would be amazing to see it on an even larger scale.
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