Most Minecraft players don't have enough spare resources to create megalithic structures with them. Nevertheless, in a post by u/Yeppers_86, the Redditor decided that he wanted to create pyramids out of his extra minerals!
Players can be assured this is legit as the original poster (OP) is missing the hardest resources to acquire, such as Diamond and Netherite. This would take an obscene amount of time, and is likely not worth it for a mere Reddit post.
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Minecraft Redditor makes massive pyramids out of natural resources
The Build

This impressive build consists of six pyramids, each created from a different Minecraft mineral. Listed below are all of the minerals that are used:
- Coal
- Emerald
- Redstone
- Lapis Lazulli
- Iron
- Gold
The OP was able to build these quickly as all of the minerals listed can be farmed in some way. For example, Emerald would take years to collect in that amount, therefore the OP traded with Villagers to acquire them at a more rapid pace.
Minerals the are not framable, like Diamond and Netherite, do not have a pyramid and it would take ages to build a legit pyramid with them.
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In this thread, the OP explains that he acquired all of the Emeralds through trading with Villagers. Much like Diamonds or Netherite, Emerald would take way too long to mine in that amount.

For the curious, the OP states the dimensions of each pyramid, as well as how much all of the resources shown would take up. This results in a Shulker box being completely filled and them some.

One commenter states how each of these minerals can be farmed in a more efficient way than simply mining. These tips can be extremely useful for those looking to acquire some of the resources shown.

This Redditor felt the need to state his desire for beacons to be placed on top of these pyramids. While they are way bigger than necessary, they would look great with a nice Beacon on top!
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