Both Ravagers and Hoglins are beastly hostile Minecraft mobs. Both are also relatively new to Minecraft, and have their own groups of hostile mobs that they're a part of.
There are lots of similarities between Ravagers and hoglins in Minecraft. Their behavior is hostile towards players, but in vastly different ways. These two mobs inhabit different environments, and both work with other hostile mobs to attack players and peaceful mobs.
Many new players may not even be aware of these two mobs since their names are not commonly mentioned in the Minecraft community. For those who don't know or those who do and are just curious, here are all the similarities and differences between Ravagers and Hoglins in Minecraft.
Also read: Iron Golem vs Enderman in Minecraft: How different are the two mobs?
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Differences Between Hoglins and Ravagers in Minecraft
Both Hoglins and Ravagers are large four-legged beasts in Minecraft, but the similarities in appearance end there.

Ravagers are very bulky and heavy, and it's said their bodies are made of iron similar to iron golem. Since ravagers are pillager's protectors, just as iron golems are villager's protectors, the Minecraft community often assumes that ravagers are iron like the golems.
Ravagers also have the face of a pillager with horns on the side of their face. They're gray in color, with bands of blue around their legs, and a saddle for pillagers on their back.

Holgins, on the other hand, resemble a very oversized pig or hog. These creatures look significantly less civilized, they don't have any sort of saddle.The holgins are pinkish-brown in appearance and also have horns like ravagers. They also feature a protruding black spine with scales.
Health Points

Ravagers and Hoglins have significantly different levels of health points. Ravagers are much more difficult for players and iron golems to kill than hoglins. Ravagers have 100 health points, and the Hoglins only have 40 health points.

Ravagers and hoglins are very hostile towards players as mentioned before. Ravagers will attack players on sight. The ravager's main goal is to kill the player and any villager or iron golem in their way.
The hoglin is hostile towards players and will attempt to attack them unless the player is standing on a block that repels them. These blocks are warped fungus and nether portals.
Hoglins work like piglins, meaning when one hoglin is attacked all others in the area will team up to attack the player as well.

Ravagers and hoglins have very different natural habitats since they spawn in different dimensions. Ravager's natural habitat is wherever their pillager base is located, which is most commonly found in a plains biome with a pillager tower. Hoglins' natural habitat is in the Nether crimson forest or a bastion remnants.
Drops and loot

Ravagers and hoglins drop significantly different loot when they're killed. Hoglins will often drop two-four raw pork chops, five experience points, and occasionally one piece of leather.
Ravagers on the other hand, have much more impressive loot. Each time a Ravager is killed they drop a saddle and 20 experience orbs. This is a large enough incentive for most players to attack and kill ravagers.

Hoglins and Ravagers spawn for significantly different reasons. Hoglins spawn regularly in the Nether dimension, in the crimson forest biome. These creatures often spawn in herds of 3-4 and remain in these same packs throughout the game.
Hoglins also spawn upon world generation in bastion remnants as a form of protection.
Ravagers on the other hand do not spawn naturally into Minecraft and only spawn into the game during pillager raids. This means the player must interact with a pillager or a raid before the ravages even have a chance to spawn.
These ravagers spawn during wave 3, and only 5 ravagers can spawn per raid.
Attack Strength

Ravagers and hoglins are both powerful hostile mobs with different attacks and strengths. Ravagers have two different attacks they can use against players: Melee and their roar. The roar is a static attack that always deals 6 attack points. The melee attack points vary depending on the level of hardness in Minecraft. On easy, the melee deals 7 attack points, on normal it deals 12, and on hard mode the melee deals 18 attack points.
Hoglins have one attack they use against players which also varies depending on what level of difficulty Minecraft is on. In easy mode a hoglin's attack does 2.5-5 attack points, on normal it deals 3-8, and on hard it deals 4.5-12 attack points.
Similarities between ravagers and hoglins in Minecraft

Ravagers and hoglins have a few similarities in Minecraft. These mobs can be ridden by entities. The ravagers are ridden by pillagers and the hoglins are ridden by piglins.
These two mobs are both hostile and will try to kill players at any chance they get. The mobs were also added to Minecraft relatively recently, with Ravagers added to Minecraft in 1.14 and Hoglins added in 1.16.
Who would win in a fight?

It's very likely that a ravager would win in a one on one fight against a hoglin. This is because the ravager has 100 health points compared to the hoglin's 40 health points. The ravager also has more powerful attacks than the hoglin, which would take out the hoglin even faster.
In a group fight it's possible for hoglins to win, but only because they have a sense of community, and when one of their own gets attacked they will come at the attacker in groups. Ravagers don't possess this same sense of community that hoglins have.
Also read: Ravager vs Iron Golem in Minecraft: How different are the mobs?
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