A Redditor named u/LordDeadDemon recently posted a video of them trying Minecraft VR for the first time, and it is stunning. Many players don't stop and think about how beautiful Minecraft VR would be when flying with an Elytra, and OP did exactly that.
As seen in the post above, the original poster (OP) decides to see what flying with an Elytra looks like in Minecraft VR. Fun fact: it is incredible.
OP can be seen flying through their base of operations, using fireworks to stay in the air for longer.
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Minecraft Redditor experiences VR for the first time
The Post

The post begins with the OP randomly placing a block. It is pretty obvious due to the movement of the camera that they are playing in VR mode.
OP then abruptly decides to use a firework paired with their Elytra to take off into the sky. They then gloriously glide through the air, hands in the Superman pose as they float past some interesting-looking builds. The OP almost dives into the sand and has to quickly use another firework to avoid death.
After this, OP flies smoothly around a large skyscraper-type building, which looked quite cool in VR mode. OP then performs a nosedive into a farm area, which has a ridiculous and unnecessary amount of animals.
Nevertheless, they end their intense but beautiful flight by plummeting into the roof of a building, instantly killing themselves.
This post may encourage some players to get VR, as it looks amazing when paired with the Elytra.
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Due to the beautiful nature of this post, many Redditors had a lot to say in the comment section. In fact, this post garnered a massive 9.3k upvotes in only 19 hours.

Creepers in Minecraft are always terrifying, so fans can imagine how scary they would be in VR. This may result in a few monitors or TVs being smashed to bits.
Players who are easily scared may want to avoid Minecraft VR.

One Redditor recalled how tiny they felt when playing Minecraft on VR mode. Since a block is half the player's size, this effect is very apparent when in virtual reality.
Luckily, OP came to the rescue, stating that this effect can be mitigated by messing with some settings.

Another Redditor remembered how they injured themselves while using the Elytra while in VR mode. They claimed that this experience felt so real that they physically jumped into their own wall, which would have been hilarious to view in person.
Players afraid of heights may want to think twice about using the Elytra in VR.

The scale issue seems to be a wider problem with Minecraft VR players. Apparently, the settings check issue also appears to be an even larger issue, as players may be missing out on some fun gameplay by just not checking the settings menu.

A few Redditors were also reminded of Superman when viewing the post. If the initial takeoff were edited to have the Superman theme play over it, that would be absolutely hilarious.
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The following reactions are notable mentions from the post:

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