Wandering traders will always appear when Minecraft players least expect it. They'll spawn in the middle of the ocean, underground or almost anywhere where players spend some time.
The all-too-familiar sound of a wandering trader is burned into the minds of Minecraft faithful. They're known for having pretty bad trades overall and having llamas with them. Here's everything one needs to know about them.
Complete guide to Minecraft wandering trader
In Minecraft, a wandering trader will spawn erratically with six random trades. Here are the items he can trade with players for emeralds.
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For one emerald:
- Dandelion
- Poppy
- Blue Orchid
- Allium
- Azure Bluet
- Red Tulip
- Orange Tulip
- Pink Tulip
- White Tulip
- Oxeye Daisy
- Cornflower
- Lily of the Valley
- Sunflower
- Rose Bush
- Lilac
- Peony
- Wheat Seeds
- Beetroot Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Melon Seeds
- Fern
- Vines
- Red Dye (×3)
- Yellow Dye (×3)
- Orange Dye (×3)
- Lime Dye (×3)
- Green Dye (×3)
- Cyan Dye (×3)
- Light Blue Dye (×3)
- Purple Dye (×3)
- Magenta Dye (×3)
- Pink Dye (×3)
- Gray Dye (×3)
- Light Gray Dye (×3)
- Lapis Lazuli (x3)
- Cocoa Beans (x3)
- Bone Meal (x3)
- Ink Sac (x3)
- Brown Mushroom
- Red Mushroom
- Sugar Cane
- Sand (×8)
- Red Sand (×4)
- Lily Pad (×2)
- Pointed Dripstone (x2)
- Moss Block (x2)
- Rooted Dirt (x2)
- Small Dripleaf (x2)
- Pumpkin

For two emeralds:
- Glowstone
- Sea pickle
For three emeralds:
- Cactus
- Brain Coral Block
- Bubble Coral Block
- Fire Coral Block
- Horn Coral Block
- Tube Coral Block
For four emeralds
- Slimeball
For five emeralds
- Saplings
- Nautilus shell
Most of these items can be acquired normally, but some of them, like the coral blocks or glowstone, can be difficult and even dangerous to find.
Wandering trades are often targeted for leads. Leads are difficult to acquire, but players can get two by eliminating either the wandering trader or his two llamas. They do not drop any XP after perishing, which is the same while trading with them, unlike villagers.
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