The Warden, arguably the biggest addition to the Minecraft 1.19 update, is poised to become one of the most fearsome mobs. The Warden and his home, the Deep Dark biome, were released in the latest snapshot from Mojang.
Players who have had a chance to try it out are coming away with one major takeaway: the Warden is terrifying.
Every snapshot that is released pushes the game closer to the full release of the Wild Update, if just incrementally. Since that means it's now closer than ever, here's what players need to know about the Warden.
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The Warden in Minecraft: A complete guide
The first thing players need to know about the Warden is where it spawns. This can be either to avoid it entirely (the safest option) or to seek it out and try to kill it. Either way, players will need to find or avoid the new Deep Dark biome.
The new Deep Dark biome will be found in caves, specifically at Y level 0 or below. The Warden and the new sculk blocks will spawn there.

The Warden's Cabin, a new structure, has a chance to generate there as well. Mojang has stated that the cabin will have a lot of loot to offset the danger players face simply by going there.
The Warden is going to be completely blind. Unfortunately, that means its sense of smell and hearing are going to be a lot stronger. It will be difficult to avoid the mob, even though it can't see.
The most fearsome aspect of the Warden is the damage it will be able to deal. When it was first announced, it was shown to be strong enough to kill a fully iron-clad player in two hits.
Not even the Wither (on easy difficulty) can boast that kind of damage, so the Warden will likely be the most dangerous mob yet. Wardens will also have more health than any other mob.
The Warden and other 1.19 features are set to arrive officially sometime in 2022.
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