Honey is an item in Minecraft that primarily comes in two forms. Honey blocks and honey bottles can both be acquired, and they both have different uses. Honey bottles can be used as a consumable drink item, and honey blocks are helpful in crafting and building, among other benefits. Here's everything honey can do in Minecraft.
Uses for honey in Minecraft
A honey bottle is a consumable Minecraft drink acquired by clicking an empty glass bottle on a beehive. Honey bottles can also be used to craft honey blocks and sugar.
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The beehive must have a honey level of five in order to drop it in the bottle. Unless there is a campfire under the beehive, the bees inside will get angry at this and attack the player trying to get the honey.

A dispenser with glass bottles inside it can also collect the honey without triggering the bees to attack. The honey bottle appears as an item in the dispenser. If the dispenser is full, the honey bottle is dropped. These are the only ways to acquire honey in Minecraft.
Once acquired, a honey bottle has a couple of uses. Primarily, it is a drink. Drinking one restores six hunger points and 1.2 hunger saturation. Consuming the item also has the added benefit of removing any poison effect currently afflicting the player.
Additionally, unlike drinking milk, other effects are not removed upon drinking a honey bottle, so it is better for raiding the Ocean Monument.
One honey bottle can also be crafted into three sugar. Additionally, four bottles will make one honey block.
Honey blocks can be used in a lot of different ways:
- Sliding down
- Slowing down mobs/players
- Fall damage (reduced by 80% when landed on)
- Attracting nearby bees
- Crafted back into honey bottles (one block and four empty bottles needed)
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