Minecraft players have definitely come across a witches hut in a world, probably multiple times. Inside is usually nothing but a crafting table, a cauldron and potentially a black cat. While black cats are cool, they're not completely exclusive to the huts, so the only two items left are the crafting table and the cauldron.

Crafting tables are easily crafted with four wood planks and are used for, well, crafting. Cauldrons, on the other hand, have a few uses. Here's what they're used for in Minecraft.
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Cauldron uses in Minecraft
Cauldrons in Minecraft carry a relatively simple crafting recipe. Seven iron ingots will produce one cauldron. They have a few uses that can actually be very helpful for players. The most common use is to hold water, though it isn't ultimately that useful, as a bucket will also hold water indefinitely. However, the water that is inside a cauldron can be dyed.
Dying the water in the cauldron to any color will allow a piece of leather armor to be dyed three times. There are three levels in a cauldron and one use reduces per level. The water can also be dyed a different color after one use, or before if the first color isn't the right one.

Cauldrons can also be used in correspondence with dripstone. Placing dripstone blocks above the cauldron will result in filling the cauldron with either water or lava, which can now be put into cauldrons as a result of the 1.17 update. The process is slow, but it doesn't require water to be refilled, so it is almost an infinite water supply.
Also a result of the 1.17 update, powdered snow can be put into a cauldron. It is the only solid material that can be put into a cauldron. It can be filled slowly during snowfall without having to first be collected with a bucket. Using a bucket of snow won't place the snow inside the cauldron, only against it.
The last feature of cauldrons is to put potions inside them. The potions do need to be the same, though, otherwise it's just a waste. Three potions will fill a cauldron. Standing in the cauldron won't give the effect to players, but it can be used to either refill bottles or place it on arrows. Clicking on the cauldron with an arrow will turn it into an arrow of whatever potion is inside.
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