There are many unique enchantments in Minecraft, with all sorts of effects. Frost Walker is one such enchantment that players can put on boots.
Minecraft's Frost Walker enchantment turns water into ice as the player walks over it. This allows players with Frost Walker to walk on water when they're wearing enchanted boots.
When the Minecraft player walks over water, the Frost Walker enchantment will turn the water two blocks ahead of the player into ice, even if the player is sprinting. The only time that Frost Walker doesn't allow the player to walk over water is if the player stays in one place until the ice underneath melts.
How to get Frost Walker in Minecraft
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The first step to getting Frost Walker in Minecraft is to craft boots. Frost Walker can be applied to any boot material, but it's recommended that the player puts the enchantment on a higher level of boot like iron, diamond, or netherite.
There are a few ways to enchant boots with Frost Walker. Frost Walker is a very rare enchantment. This means if the player is trying to enchant a book or a pair of boots in their enchantment table, the Frost Walker enchantment will never appear.
You have to either find it in buried treasure, fish for an enchanted book, trading with villagers, and a rare loot drop after a raid.
Frost Walker trivia
Frost Walker is a great boot enchantment for Minecraft players. However, if players want this enchantment they may be disappointed to realize that Frost Walker is incompatible with the Depth Strider boot enchantment.
Depth Strider is a boot enchantment that increases the player's swimming speed by 1/3 with each level of Depth Strider added. This means at level three, players can swim as fast in the water as they can walk on land.
Players cannot enchant their boots with both Frost Walker and Depth Strider through normal means of enchantment. When players use Minecraft commands, however, the Depth Strider and Frost Walker enchantments will both work together.
Armor Stands
If players put Frost Walker enchanted boots on an armor stand and a piston moves the stand over water, the water underneath will freeze as if a player is using the Frost Walker boots.

Frost Walker is a useful enchantment for Minecraft players who enjoy traveling to the Nether dimension. Frost Walker boots make the player immune to damage from both magma blocks and campfires. This means that when the player walks over these blocks they will not take the usual fire damage.
Players should still beware of lava, however, as frost walker enchantment does not prevent lava damage or allow the player to walk over lava.
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