The efficiency enchantment in Minecraft allows tools to do their jobs at a faster rate. For example, a diamond pickaxe with efficiency level 4 (IV) will break a block of stone noticeably faster than any regular unenchanted diamond pickaxe.
For this reason, efficiency is one of the most sought-after enchantments for tools, especially pickaxes. This is primarily because it allows players to mine at a significantly faster rate, increasing their chances of finding rare ores during each and every mining session.
Highest level of efficiency in Minecraft

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It is technically possible to obtain any enchantment level in Minecraft through the use of cheat commands. However, the highest level of efficiency that players can obtain legitimately in Minecraft is level 5 (V). It is not possible to obtain a higher level than 5 for the efficiency enchantment in vanilla (unmodified) Minecraft.
If cheats are enabled, players will be able to obtain a practically unlimited efficiency level. There is technically a theoretical enchantment limit of 2,147,483,647 as the maximum level of any applied enchantment. This is due to the fact that Minecraft is written in Java, which has a hard time going past 2,147,483,647, which is called int32.
Although these numbers sound quite insane, it should be noted that any additional efficiency levels past the range of around efficiency 4 make absolutely no noticeable difference.
How to get the highest efficiency in Minecraft
Players who do not wish to use cheats are able to enchant an eligible item with efficiency via the use of an enchantment table. Eligible items for the efficiency enchantment include:
- Pickaxe
- Hoe
- Axe
- Shovel
Players should note that the enchant table can only provide the highest possible efficiency 5 enchantments to wooden, golden, netherite and iron pickaxes.
Stone pickaxes and diamond pickaxes can only be enchanted up to efficiency level 4 via an enchantment table. Players can, however, combine two efficiency level 4 diamond pickaxes with an anvil to create an efficiency 5 diamond pickaxe.

If cheats are enabled, players can use the following command to spawn an efficiency 1000 unbreaking 1000 diamond pickaxe:
/give @s diamond_pickaxe{Enchantments:[{id:"efficiency",lvl:1000},{id:"unbreaking",lvl:1000}]}
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