TNT is one of the most destructive items in Minecraft. While it does have a few different uses, most of it involves what TNT does best, which is destroying things. Obviously, players have plenty of reasons to consider building one of the coolest objects they can.
However, TNT cannons are quite uncommon and can be difficult to build. Nevertheless, here are a few good uses for them and how to make one.
What TNT cannons can do in Minecraft and how to build them
Obviously, the main use of a TNT cannon is to simply destroy its target. Minecraft TNT is one of the best blocks to destroy anything with only water and obsidian blocks being resistant.
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TNT cannons are great for destroying objects from a significant distance. Placing a TNT block and lighting it before running away will never give a player as much range as a TNT cannon can. This nifty tool will allow players to attack enemy bases without even needing to infiltrate them.
Furthermore, these can be used to intimidate opponents. Some players even build them for the sole purpose of scaring off others since a cannon capable of destroying an entire base is obviously fear-inducing.
Additionally, these cannons look great with medieval builds such as castles or forts. No castle is complete without a defense system, and a TNT cannon is one of the best choices in that category.
TNT cannons can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but here's how to make a relatively simple one.
Players will need these items:
- Obsidian (16 blocks or more)
- Slab (one of any kind)
- 11 redstone (may need more depending on how big it is)
- One bucket of water
- Two levers
- Five TNT blocks (to start with)
The base of the cannon needs to be two rows of obsidian seven blocks long, with one in the middle connecting the two lines that are a single block apart.
At the end, players will need to place another obsidian block on top of only one side. They must then place the water bucket at the opposite end so it flows to the end of the cannon. The slab should be placed on the ground in between the last blocks of obsidian.
Above that, one block of TNT should be placed with a gap between it and the slab. The rest of the TNT can be placed going towards the water source block, but not covering it.
Two levers, one on each side, should have redstone going down each row of obsidian. For reference, the final product should look like what is shown in the image below.

Once that has been done, Minecraft players can simply flip the levers to launch the TNT. For a more in-depth guide, check this article out.
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