The Totem of Undying is one of the most valuable items in all of Minecraft. When held, even falling 1,000 blocks or drowning in lava won't kill the player (though it doesn't last forever, so getting out of the lava would be recommended). There is only one way for players to get these items, and that is by killing an evoker, which can be difficult to find.
Minecraft has both passive and hostile mobs, as well as neutral mobs. There are more challenging mobs and not so difficult ones among hostile mobs, and they all provide something to the game. Most have quality loot drops, but the Totem of Undying is extremely vital.
The evoker has arguably the best drop of all mobs. Here's where to find it in Minecraft.
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Finding an evoker in Minecraft
Evokers are spell-casting Illagers and are one of the most difficult mobs to fight in Minecraft. They can only be found two ways: in a woodland mansion or in a raid. Evokers can spawn during raids by themselves or on ravagers.
They can't spawn in raids on Easy, because those raids have only three waves, while evokers will not appear until the fifth wave or later.

In order to trigger a raid like that, players will need to kill a raid captain, which can be an evoker (extremely rare), and receive Bad Omen. Once players have the effect, they can find a village, and the raid will automatically start.
Make sure it is not on Easy prior to triggering the raid. Raids on higher difficulty will also be quite difficult, so players should be prepared for that.
The other way is to find a woodland mansion, which will also have multiple evokers. These can be found in one way, and that is with a map. This map can be traded for from a Cartographer villager.
Players may have to travel great distances to find one, as there are usually not more than a few in a world, and they're usually quite spread out. Players may luck into finding one in a Dark Oak Forest.
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