Wolves are one of the best mobs in Minecraft. Once tamed, they will be a loyal pet to every player. They'll stay by the player's side, fight mobs with them and wait anxiously for their return.
The addition of wolves, the first tameable mob added in update 1.4, changed the game and now there are several tameable mobs. However, wolves are still arguably the best one.
Many players set out to find wolves early and often in a new world. Here are the best places to look if players want to find a new pet in Minecraft.
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Where wolves can be found in Minecraft
Wolves will naturally spawn on grass blocks, dirt, coarse dirt or podzol in the following biomes:
- Forests
- Taigas
- Groves
- Old growth taigas
- Snowy taigas
- All variants of these biomes (except flower forests)
They will spawn in groups of four and 10% of wolves will spawn as puppies. Spruce and oak forests are popular places to look for wolves in Minecraft.
In order to tame wolves, players will need bones. Though they can be tamed with a single bone, that is an unlikely event. Each bone has a 33% chance to tame the wolf but trying to do so with one bone will likely leave players frustrated and without a pet wolf.
This means that, in theory, a wolf could eat bones for a long time and never become tamed. Minecraft gamers should have ample bones if they are setting out to tame wolves. It should also be noted that if a player accidentally hits a wolf, they will become hostile and thus untameable.

Wolves have health, though players will be unable to see the amount of hearts they have. The angle of their tail is the best picture of what their health level is. Players can heal wolves by feeding them any meat that isn't fish.
Those same food items (rotten flesh included) can be used to breed wolves who will then produce a puppy. There is no limit to how many wolves a player can breed or tame.
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