Gold is one of Minecraft's most valuable ores. It can be crafted into weapons, armor and items in the game.
Gold looks great as a decorative feature in any player's base. It can also be used to create several rare Minecraft items. Some of these items include clocks, netherite ingots and powered rails.
However, gold can sometimes be difficult to find. New players, in particular, may wonder where they can find gold ores in Minecraft. Luckily for them, this article will explain exactly where and how to find gold in Minecraft easily.
Where can players find gold in Minecraft?
#1 Ravines

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The best place for players to find gold is in the ravines of Minecraft. These openings have gold and a plethora of other ores for any explorer to find.
Ravines are even better than caves in most cases since they always go down deep enough into the Earth for gold veins to spawn.
Players can also find gold in caves that go down to the y-level 32 or below.
The deeper the player goes, the more likely they are to find gold. Gold ores can spawn up to 2 times per chunk, making them an exceptionally rare ore. In a cave, these ores are exposed and ready to be mined.
Strip Mining

If the player doesn't have any luck searching for caves and ravines, the next easiest method to obtain gold is to create a mine. Players should make sure that their mine goes all the way down to at least y-level 32 for gold ores to spawn.
There are different types of strip mines that players can create, including regular strip mines, side-by-side strip mines, and diagonal mines. Minecraft players are advised to try out each method to see what works best for them.

Players who really want to find gold should search for caves and ravines in the badlands biomes. Gold spawns in higher quantities in this biome.
If players can't find any caves, they can also explore the surface-level mineshafts that often spawn in the badlands biomes.
Nether Ores

Since Minecraft's 1.16 update, gold ore has spawned in the Nether dimension in the form of Nether gold ore. These ores will only drop gold nuggets, but they're still useful for players if they're running low on their favorite gold rock.
Chests in Generated structures

Minecraft players can also find gold inside of a chest. There are tons of naturally generated structures in Minecraft that spawn gold within their chests.
Here are a few examples of golden ingots in naturally generated structures:
- Dungeons have a 9.6% chance of spawning 1-4 golden ingots.
- Mineshafts have a 16.9% chance of spawning 1-3 golden ingots.
- Bastion remnants have the highest chance at 33% of spawning 3-9 golden ingots.
- End cities have a 52.3% chance of spawning 2-7 golden ingots.
Also read: How to find iron in Minecraft easily
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