Minecraft Nether is home to plenty of mobs within the game. The two mobs that this article will be focusing on are Piglins and Piglin Brutes. As hinted by the name, these mobs are pretty similar. However, they do not get discussed much.
Although they do not get much attention, these two mobs can be very interesting to some Minecraft players who love to learn about different mobs. Players can find both of these mobs located in the Nether, near the fortress.
Piglins and Piglin Brutes in Minecraft: Behavior, weapons, drops, and more
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These two mobs are very similar, but they have their big differences as well. This article will shine a light on Piglins and Piglin Brutes and show players how different the two mobs really are.

One of the main differences between Piglins and Piglin Brutes is the behavior of the mobs. Piglins are neutral mobs but in an unusual way. These mobs are considered neutral, but they will only ignore a specific group of players.
Piglins will attack the player unless they are wearing at least one piece of golden armor. Players wearing golden armor can walk right past the mob with no interaction. However, players who have no gold on will be attacked.
The piglin will also attack the player if they attack another piglin or piglin brute. Players will also be attacked if they mine a block of gold within the mobs' radius. Piglin Brutes, on the other hand, are a bit more aggressive.
Brutes are considered Hostile mobs. The Brutes will attack the player on sight no matter what. These mobs cannot be distracted by gold, and they do not barter. Piglin Brutes will attempt to attack any player that crosses their line of sight.

Players may notice that these mobs both spawn with a weapon. Piglins can be seen holding a golden sword or a crossbow when they spawn. However, the Brutes will only ever spawn with a golden axe.
Because Piglin Brutes has more health points than Piglins and is a stronger mob overall, it will come equipped with a slightly less powerful weapon.

Piglins have an HP or health of 16 (which equals up to 8 hearts.) Piglin Brutes are stronger mobs, and thus have a bit more health than regular Piglins. Piglin Brutes have an HP or health of 50, equivalent to 25 hearts.
It goes without saying that Piglin Brutes have double the health than Piglins.

Adult Piglins have an 8.5% chance of dropping a golden axe or crossbow to the player upon death. If the mob spawned with armor on, there is also an 8.5% chance that a piece of armor will be dropped as well.
Piglins will also drop five experience orbs if killed by the player (baby Piglins will only drop one).
Piglin Brutes are a bit different. Piglin Brutes have an 8.5% chance of dropping a golden axe instead of a sword or crossbow upon death.
Piglin Brutes will also drop more experience orbs since they are harder to kill. Brutes will drop 20 orbs when killed by a Minecraft player.
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