One of the best parts about Minecraft is that, as the game gets older and becomes larger, more and more features are introduced to make the lives of players easier. For example, redstone has made resource gathering more efficient and automatic, the elytra have made long-range movement easier, and new biomes and mechanics ensure that there's always something to do.
That being said, there's still plenty that Mojang could tweak and add to make the gameplay experience smoother. Seven amazing quality-of-life changes that Mojang could include with 1.22 are detailed below.
Notes: The entries are arranged in no particular order.
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7 QoL features that Minecraft 1.22 would heavily benefit from
1) Parity changes

There is no shortage of parity differences between Minecraft Java and Bedrock. Removing some of these differences in ways that benefit both versions would make 1.22 an incredible update. For example, Mojang could bring the ability to use the offhand with any item to Bedrock, while Java could benefit from the ability to automatically use a shield when crouching.
Making the two versions of the game more similar will only help bring the community together and is almost guaranteed to keep players loyal.
2) A "stack into container" button

Many of the game's largest inconveniences relate to item storage and inventory. One of the most frustrating aspects of trying to stay organized is knowing if you can fit any more of an item into a full chest. Other survival games with many items, like Terraria, feature a button that will automatically add to any stacks already in the chest.
This would make it much easier to stay organized. Not only would this make the player's quality of life much better, it would also mean they spend less time staring at chests and more time playing the game. Thankfully, many different quality-of-life Minecraft mods add this as a feature.
3) Uncapped anvil uses

One of the most frustrating aspects of enchanting in Minecraft is the arbitrary "too expensive" message that appears once an item has been used in an anvil six times. This limit means no matter how many thousands of levels a player has, they will be unable to add any new enchantments or do any repairs to the item.
This is simply silly. XP farms are so efficient that it's possible for players to have hundreds of levels. So let them be spent on these powerful effects. If a player wants to spend hundreds of hours grinding thousands of levels to continually repair an item rather than use mending, they should have the ability to. This change would make 1.22 an amazing quality-of-life update.
4) More stacking items

Another major issue concerning the inventory is the number of different items that are unable to stack. Take potions, for example, which often have very short durabilities. This means players will want to carry multiple, but that can be quite difficult due to their inability to stack. Potions have also been made stackable in the test combat updates, which shows that Mojang is willing to consider this.
Making more items stack with each other would free up inventory spots for other things, making adventuring and Minecraft exploration much easier and more convenient.
5) Increased stack sizes

The final major issue with item storage is how limiting the stack sizes for most things are. The current limit of 64 wasn't selected for any reason in particular, which means sticking to it at the detriment of the game makes no sense. It should be doubled, at least, to help make storing items easier.
This is another solution that similar survival games have used for inventory issues. Looking to Terraria once again, stacks in that game were originally 99 before being increased to 999 and eventually to 9999 for many common resources. Doing something similar for common building blocks would make a potential 1.22 Minecraft update one of the best.
6) Brewing guide

Minecraft's many different potions are, other than enchantments, the main way for players to buff themselves. There are more than a dozen different potions in the game, though, which can make remembering how to brew them difficult, especially for new players. Adding potion recipes that a player brews to the brewing stand's UI or a crafting recipe-style brewing book would make alchemy much easier.
7) Rail and minecart changes

Minecarts used to be a real mode of transportation, necessary to quickly get from one side of the world to another. However, in the modern game, rails are rarely used outside of Minecraft redstone contraptions. Buffing rails, either by making them faster, replacing the gold in the powered rail recipe with copper, or making them quieter, would help make these a convenient way to travel again.
This would also make survival worlds much more interesting, as players would need to leave room for tracks to connect major locations and important Minecraft structures.
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