Minecraft encompasses several distinct features that make the gaming experience immersive and exploratory. Among these many fascinating aspects are crafting and mining. Several items can be crafted, many of which require ores, that are distributed in a certain way in the Minecraft world. While some are extremely common, others can be quite rare to obtain.
Therefore, one must understand the ore distribution in the game as well as the occurrence when exploring the game. Here is a list of every ore in Minecraft, which has been ranked based on rarity.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the author's opinions.
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List of every ore in Minecraft ranked based on rarity
11) Nether Quartz

Nether Quartz is an ore exclusively found in the Nether realm. When mined, it drops Quartz, which is mainly used in redstone contraptions and to make Quartz blocks, which can serve as decor.
This ore replaces Netherrack 16 times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 24, between Y levels of 10 and 117. With its spawn found across all the biomes in the Nether, it is the most commonly found ore in Minecraft.
10) Nether Gold

Nether Gold is a variant of gold ore that is exclusively found in the Nether realm. It was added in the 1.16 version of the Java edition. The ore appears as gold nuggets embedded inside Netherrack.
The Nether Gold ore is generated in the Nether in the form of ore blobs. It replaces Netherrack ten times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 16, between Y levels of 10 and 117. Found across all biomes in the Nether, it's one of the most common ores in the game.
9) Coal

Coal ore is another mineral block like iron, which drops coal when mined with a pickaxe. Coal is one of the major sources of fuel in the game, used in furnaces to smelt items. The Deepslate variant of Coal can also be found in the Deepslate layers.
Coal ore is generated in the Overworld in the form of ore blobs formed in two batches. The first batch spawns 30 times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 37 between Y levels of 136 and 120. The second batch generates 20 times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 37 between Y levels of o and 192. With the generation rate, it's one of the most commonly found ores.
8) Copper

Copper ore is a mineral block found underground in Minecraft. The ore was added quite recently to the game and is quite common. One can also find its Deepslate variant in the depth of the undergrounds.
This ore is generated in the form of ore blobs in two batches. The first batch spawns 16 times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 16 between Y levels of -16 and 112. The second batch generates only in Dripstone caves with 16 times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 52 between Y levels of -16 and 112.
7) Iron

Iron ore is a mineral that is the source of raw Iron, which converts into Iron ingots when smelted. Iron has abundant functions and can be used to craft numerous items.
Iron ore is generated in three batches in the Overworld. The first batch generates about 90 times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 13 between Y levels of 80 and 384. The second batch spawns ten times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 13 or 0 to 16, between Y levels -24 and 56. The third batch also generates ten times per chunk but in blobs of 0 to 5, between Y levels of -64 and 72.
6) Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a rare ore of Minecraft mainly used for adding enchantments using the Enchantment table. Another variant of this ore can be found in the Deepslate layers.
Lapis Lazuli is generated between Y levels of -64 and 32. It can spawn in blobs of 0 to 10, with a frequency of two times per chunk between levels of -32 and 32. Alternatively, it can spawn four times per chunk in blob sizes 0 to 10 between Y levels -64 and 64.
5) Redstone

Redstone ore is generated in the Overworld between Y levels of -64 and 15. These ores yield Redstone, which is an important component for a variety of contraptions, farms, and much more.
The ore is generated in the form of blobs, wherein it is found four times per chunk in blobs of 0 to 10 between Y levels -64 and 14. It also spawns in blobs of 0 to 10 between Y levels -64 and -32.
4) Gold

Gold is a rare ore found in the mines of Minecraft. Due to its rarity, it is useful in many aspects of the game, especially in bartering with piglins in the Nether. Deepslate Gold ore is a variation that can be generated in Deepslate layers.
Gold ores can be found between Y levels of -64 and 32, with level -16 having the highest generation rate. The Badlands biome has a higher probability of generating an extra batch of Gold, which is 50 times every chunk with 0 to 13 blobs at the Y level between 32 and 256.
3) Diamond

Diamond ore is generated deep underground between Y levels of 14 and -63. Diamond has several uses in the game and is one of the most sought-after materials. The ore becomes more abundant as we go deeper into the mines.
Diamond ore generation takes place in three instances, distributed according to chunk size and the number of blobs in which it occurs. The distribution between Y levels of 14 and -63 is as follows:
- Seven blobs of 1 to 5 ores can generate every chunk.
- One blob of 1 to 23 ores can generate every one in nine chunks.
- Four blobs of 1 to 10 ores can be generated per chunk in the game.
2) Ancient Debris

Ancient Debris is another rare ore and one of the most demanding items in the game. It is a source of Netherite and has blast and fire resistance, making it almost indestructible. Added in the 1.16 version of the Java edition, Ancient Debris is generated naturally in the Nether realm, buried under Netherrack, Basalt, and Blackstone.
In Java Edition, it is generated between Y levels 8 to 24, wherein one cluster of zero to three Ancient Debris can be generated with a triangular distribution, while from levels 8 to 119, another cluster of zero to two Ancient Debris gets generated uniformly.
In the Bedrock edition, a chunk may produce up to five clusters of Ancient Debris. From Y levels 8 to 23, two clusters of zero to three Ancient Debris generate evenly, and from levels 8 to 119, three more clusters of zero to two Ancient Debris generate evenly.
1) Emerald

Generated in the mountains and windswept hill biomes, Emerald is the rarest ore in Minecraft. It was added in the 1.3.1 version of the game. Emerald ore is generated between Y levels of -16 to 320, with the best level being 232. It is generated 100 times per chunk in a blob of 0-4 ores.
In the Deepslate regions, the Emerald ore replaces tuff or Deepslate and turns into Deepslate Emerald ore, which has a different texture in comparison to the regular. This is even rarer than the regular Emerald ore and generates between Y levels of -16 and 8.
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