The Nether realm is a hellish fiery dimension in Minecraft covered with lava oceans, netherracks, and many exclusive mobs. Nether mobs exhibit unusual behavior such as immunity from fire, aggressive nature, and more.
Nether mob spawning is dependent on biome type and structure. Last year's spectacular Nether update revamped the Nether realm by adding new biomes, blocks, and mobs.
Before the 1.16 update, Minecraft's hellish dimension was nothing but netherrack wastelands populated by zombie pigmen and ghasts. However, now the Nether is a fantastic yet dangerous place filled with various monsters and dangers.
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Minecraft's common to rarest Nether mobs
Like the overworld mobs, Nether mobs also have specific spawning rates varying from one location to another. Some mobs are common and found in almost every biome, but a few spawn only in particular structures.
Here is the list of Nether mobs starting from common to rarest:
- Strider
- Zombified piglin
- Ghast
- Piglin
- Hoglin
- Magma cube
- Blaze
- Wither Skeleton
- Piglin brutes

Striders are the most common mob found in the Nether realm. They can spawn in any Nether biome as long as there is lava. Players can also find strider jockeys with a zombified piglin or a baby strider riding it.
Zombified piglin and ghast

Zombified piglins and ghasts can spawn in Nether wastes, soul sand valleys, and basalt deltas. Nether wastes are the most common Nether biome in Minecraft. Due to this, players can easily find zombified piglins here.
Ghasts are more common in the soul sand valley than any other biomes. Players can build efficient ghast farms in this biome.
Piglin and hoglin

Piglins and hoglins are habitants of crimson forests. Piglins are neutral mobs who turn hostile if a player is not wearing any gold armor, whereas hoglins are always hostile to players and sometimes piglins.
Piglins and hoglins also spawn inside bastion remnants. Players can also find piglins often spawning in Nether wastes.
Magma cube
Magma cubes spawn in Nether wastes and basalt deltas. They have high spawn rates in basalt deltas, making it the best place to farm them. Players can also find magma cubes in Nether fortress and magma cube spawners in bastion remnants.
Blaze and wither skeleton

Both blazes and wither skeletons are only found inside Nether fortresses in Minecraft. Players can discover blazes and wither skeletons spawning naturally in fortresses. Nether fortresses also contain blaze spawners, which players can use to farm blaze rods.
Piglin brutes

Piglin brutes are arguably the rarest Nether mob in Minecraft. They are also one of the most powerful mobs in the game. Piglin brutes only spawn in bastion remnants. Once defeated, they do not respawn back, making them pretty rare.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
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