Structures are an amazing aspect of Minecraft. These are areas of Minecraft worlds with various items to be discovered by players, all with different purposes, locations, and looks.
Many Minecraft structures vary in size, with some fixed in their generation and always looking identical when spawned into a world. However, when compared to one another, what are the smallest, and largest, structures in Minecraft?
Structures in Minecraft ranked from smallest to largest
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17) Buried Treasure

This structure is only a single chest, making it the smallest by far.
16) Swamp Hut

A witch’s swamp is quite tiny with barely any room for more than a cauldron and a crafting table.
15) Ocean Ruins

Sizes can vary in case of ocean ruin structures, but most of them are generally small.
14) Ruined Portal

Ruined portals can vary in size as well, but most are about as big as a regular nether portal.
13) Igloo

Some igloos are bigger in different areas. This is because they have basements and others do not, regardless, igloos are small compared to the rest of the Minecraft structures.
12) Shipwreck

Shipwrecks are medium sized structures, all of roughly the same stature. They are found in ocean biomes.
11) Jungle Temple

Jungle temples are also medium sized structures, but they do have multiple rooms, making them somewhat huge.
10) Pillager Outpost

Pillager outposts are long and tall structures with multiple layers. They are always guarded by many pillagers.
9) Desert Pyramid

Desert pyramids are on the larger end of medium-sized Minecraft structures, with multiple rooms and a basement that goes quite deep into the ground.
8) Village

Every single Minecraft village will have a different shape and size when generated, but villages can sometimes be incredibly large and cover lots of surface area, making it rank higher up in size.
7) End City

End cities are some of the tallest Minecraft structures, and players tend to explore these buildings by floating up to the top with the help of shulkers.
6) Mineshaft

Mineshafts are underground structures that have the tendency to be extremely huge, and although every mineshaft will be a different size, they are almost always large enough to get lost in.
5) Stronghold

Strongholds are another structure that one can easily get lost in, given its massive size. Even though it too can vary in size depending on world generation, strongholds are always guaranteed to be some of the largest structures on a Minecraft map.
4) Bastion Remnant

Most bastion remnants are generally the same size, which is almost always humongous.
3) Ocean Monument

The ocean monument is one of the largest Minecraft structures. These underwater buildings can be just as dangerous as they are massive.
2) Woodland Mansion

The woodland mansion is a huge building found in dark forest biomes. Although this structure is a rare find, it is nearly impossible to miss given its massive size.
1) Nether Fortress

Nether fortresses are some of the biggest structures in Minecraft. Their sizes can vary too, but they are always guaranteed to be super tall and wide.
Minecraft boasts a diverse and creative set of structures. Coming in all shapes and sizes, players can't help but appreciate each and every one of them.
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