Minecraft's the Nether update released in 2020 completely changed the Nether Realm and also added the most sought-out ore in the game, the Ancient Debris. Ancient debris is used to make netherite scraps which, when combined with four gold ingots, give a Netherite ingot.
Netherite armor and tools are deemed the best in the game and players generally aim to own a full netherite set. Ancient debris spawns best at Y level 15 and is found to be equally distributed in all biomes, but there are certain biomes which provide a greater advantage than others and can enhance the mining experience.
Best biomes in Minecraft to mine for Ancient Debris
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5) Basalt Deltas
This is the worst biome to mine for ancient debris as they are composed of basalt and blackstone which spawn frequently even underground. Both these blocks are harder compared to the netherrack and reduce the durability of the pickaxe faster.

This biome is also home to a lot of dangerous elements. All these factors make mining very inefficient in this biome.
4) Crimson Forest

This biome, although made up of netherracks, is not well suited to mine Ancient Debris, as it also spawns mobs such as Piglins and Hoglins. While mining underground players have a chance of running into these hostile mobs which can hinder the mining process.
The Hoglins can attack the players and if not given proper attention, even kill them.
3) Soul Sand Valley

Soul Sand Valley is a desert-like biome covered with soul sand. However, this biome also spawns Skeletons and Ghast which can hinder the mining process when mining for ancient debris.
2) Nether Waste

Previously, this was the only biome in the Nether Realm. It is composed of netherracks and spawns only Zombified Piglins, that do not attack players until aggravated. This biome is fairly safer to mine for ancient debris without worrying about hostile mobs.
1) Warped Forest

This biome is home to only the Endermans and occasional striders, both of whom are inherently non-hostile mobs. Endermen will only attack players if they look directly in their eye.
Due to the low diversity of hostile mobs that spawn here and also the netherrack blocks present which can be mined easily, this biome is best suited to hunt for ancient debris.
Note: The list present in the article reflects the views of the writer.
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