There are a ton of different ways to fuel a furnace in Minecraft. Coal is the standard and many players know how to make charcoal and use it. However, there are a lot more than just those two, and some of them are quite good.
Regardless, these resources are pivotal for survival in Minecraft. Players must capitalize on them at every opportunity.
With that being said, here's how these fuel sources stack up against each other.
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Ranking all Minecraft fuel sources
11) Nether bricks, gold nuggets and iron nuggets
These are the worst fuel sources in Minecraft. They will last for just 20 ticks, which is at the bottom of the list. Minecraft players likely won't use these for fuel, but in a bind, they could work for a little bit.
10) Bamboo
Bamboo lasts slightly longer. It will smelt items for 50 ticks. Fuel isn't the best use for an item like bamboo, but it does grow pretty quickly so players may end up with a lot and have nothing to use it for. Still, it's not a great fuel source.
9) Carpet
Carpet will smelt items for 67 ticks, so it's only incrementally better than bamboo. However, since there aren't many other uses for it, it could be used as a fuel source if players aren't going to decorate with it.
8) Bowl, azalea, stick, saplings and wool
Each of these items will burn for a total of 100 ticks. It's not great and these items (except maybe saplings) could probably stand to be used for anything else and it would be a better use.
7) Wooden tools, signs and doors
Every wooden tool, sign and door will smelt for 200 ticks. For whatever reason, crafting doors will give three, even though only two can be used side by side. The extra door can be put to use in a furnace.
6) Mushroom block, banner, bow, crossbow, wood-based blocks and beehives
All wood-based blocks, including lectures and smithing tables, can be smelted. Mushroom blocks, crossbows and bows can as well. Every item here can burn for 300 ticks.
5) Scaffolding, boats, charcoal and coal

These items, which include the more normal fuel sources, will burn for 1600 ticks. Each of these items will be a worthwhile fuel source since it will actually cook a substantial amount of items.
4) Blaze rods
Blaze rods are extremely important to brewing and entering The End. However, if players have a lot, they're a stellar fuel source. They'll burn for 2400 ticks, so they're better than coal.
3) Dried kelp block
This fuel source, which can be used in automatic XP farms, burns for 4000 ticks. Very few sources will burn for longer. There's not much use for it otherwise, so players who have it should use it in a furnace.
2) Coal block
A block of coal will smelt items for 16000 ticks. One block will last long enough to smelt a little bit more than a stack of items. That can be a stack of resources or raw food and either way, one block will do the job.
1) Lava bucket
Lava buckets are the best fuel source in Minecraft. It lasts for 20,000 ticks, which is far longer than anything else. It also leaves the bucket behind when it's done, so it can be almost self-sustaining.
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