Minecraft Live is a well-known yearly event that acts as a celebration of the community and the game as a whole, featuring a community preshow and guest appearances during the event itself. Usually, the event is streamed on YouTube and Twitch with any community input coming from Twitter, but recent leaks seem to indicate that things will be different for this year's live event.
Mojang uses the event as a way to build hype, as well as get the community’s involvement in future updates. This can be clearly seen in instances like the mob and biome votes, in which the playerbase was able to influence which mobs were added to the game, and in what order the game’s biomes would be updated.
Will Minecraft Live 2022 have an in-game element?
The leak
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Phoenix SC is a well-known YouTuber with nearly two million subscribers. He recently uploaded a video covering some leaks from the Chinese version of the Bedrock Edition development wiki.
Just hours after the most recent beta edition of Bedrock went live, Preview, there was a post on this development wiki. This post breaks down some of the code inside the development language files, and while almost all of it is public knowledge, nine new lines have been added, which have been confirmed to be in the game’s code.
Interestingly, these lines of code all reference the Minecraft Live event. There are captions that seem to act as countdowns, event announcements, and event endings. In fact, there are even title and heading lines, both indicating the event, with one acting as a hype message that will appear before the event, and the other having the name of the event on the screen.
One of the biggest and most exciting aspects of the leak is the last line of code that was found to have been added. This line of code is “gathering.info.body.liveIsComing”.
The text associated with this line of code is “The time has come to add a new mob to Minecraft, and the choice is yours.” This would mean that there will be a mob vote for Minecraft Live 2022, and the voting will happen on the client itself instead of on Twitter.
The idea that the mob vote will happen on the client instead of Twitter is supported by a few other lines of code. For example, there is a line of code that relates to a button titled “voteNow”, which would, presumably, allow players to select their mob of choice on the client before submitting their selection back to Mojang.
What does this mean?

As of right now, this means very little, at least from an official viewpoint. Neither Mojang nor Microsoft have officially commented about these leaks. These are simply speculations based on leaked developmental changelogs backed up by some code found in the game. Until Mojang comments, it should be treated as the rumor that it is.
However, if the leak is true, this shows that Mojang will shift away from using Twitter as part of their mob vote process. But that's the exciting part, as this does indicate that 2022's Minecraft Live will feature another mob vote, and given the exciting mobs added from prior votes such as the phantom, the glow squid, and, most recently, the allay, this one is likely to be just as interesting.
The last five years have seen live events for the game take place anywhere in the months of September, October, and November, so it is likely that Minecraft Live 2022 will take place around that same time of year, though of course, the past live events are no assured guarantee of when this year's will take place.
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