Villagers in Minecraft are fascinating mobs that can be interacted with in multiple ways. One of their best features is the ability to trade all kinds of items and blocks for either emeralds or other items. If players possess any useless items, they can sell those to different professional villagers for emeralds. Those emeralds can then be traded to obtain fantastic items from them.
However, not all trade affairs are worth investing in. Here is a list of some of the worst villager trades.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinion. There can be other trade offers that might seem worse to other players.
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5 villager trades that are not worth it in Minecraft
1) One diamond for one emerald - Armorer villager

Armorer has a trade offer that gives players one emerald for one diamond. This is one of the worst trades in Minecraft since diamonds are hard to find in the world. They can either be found as rare loot in chests or deep underground in the Overworld. Hence, they are not worth trading for an emerald.
Moreover, several other professional villagers can give emeralds for a bunch of useless items like paper, string, etc, even though players need to provide a large amount of those items.
2) 36 emeralds for one bell - Armorer

Bells are blocks that cannot be crafted in any way in Minecraft. Hence, the armorer villager offers one bell for a whopping 36 emeralds. This is also one of the worst deals in the game since bells are not worth as many emeralds, and they can be found in every single village. They also have a 1.5% chance of spawning inside a ruined portal chest.
For 36 emeralds, players can obtain many items from different villagers that are much more useful than a bell.
3) One compass for one emerald - Cartographer

Cartographer is a great villager that can offer some of the best trades in Minecraft. However, the trade where he takes one compass for one emerald is not one of his best. Compass can be crafted using four iron ingots and one redstone dust item on the crafting table. Though it is not rarer than a diamond, this trade is still not the most effective since it will take players a lot of compasses to make decent money.
As mentioned above, many low-valued items can be sold to these villagers to obtain one emerald. Players will have stacks of certain items that will have no use but can be traded for emeralds early in the game.
4) Three emeralds for one bucket of cod - Fisherman

The fisherman is not the most famous professional villager players trade with in Minecraft. One of his trades is offering a bucket of cod for three emeralds. This is another scam trade that players should never indulge in.
A bucket of cod can be easily obtained by crafting a bucket with three iron ingots, swimming in the ocean, and capturing live cod.
5) One emerald for one lantern - Librarian

Librarians are arguably the best professional villagers in Minecraft. This mob can trade all kinds of enchantments in the form of books, including treasure enchantments. However, one of his trades where he offers one lantern for one emerald is not the greatest.
Lanterns are light-emitting blocks that can easily be created with eight iron nuggets and one torch. Hence, there is no need to buy a lantern from a librarian villager.
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