Minecraft has been around for over a decade. Despite its longevity, Minecraft has continued to grow and remain popular among players of all ages. With its numerous updates, memes, and references, there is a lot of information that many players might be unaware of. While some facts are quite well-known, most are either forgotten or barely noticed.
Whether it includes entities, concepts, or the game itself, the article will uncover 10 such mysteries that players are oblivious to.
Slime-ball baby pandas, friendly creepers, and more Minecraft facts that will shock you
1) Endermen have their own language
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Endermen are dark, tall, scary entities with the ability to teleport. When close to these mobs, players might hear some weird noises emitted by them. While to the normal ears, these grunts might appear gibberish, there is more than meets the eye.
In reality, Endermen can communicate with each other. Upon closer inspection of these sounds, players have discovered that these grunts resemble slowed-down phrases. Despite the unsettling nature, it might be indicative of them trying to communicate with us.
2) Vindicator named “Johnny”

Vindicators are an extremely dangerous and hostile “illager”. Equipped with an iron axe, they are willing to swing it at players, villagers, wandering traders, and iron golems. These mobs are passive towards other entities and remain friendly to other pillagers and illagers, even when struck accidentally.
However, if a player can put a nametag on a vindicator that reads “Johnny,” they will notice changes in his behavior. This axe-wielding mob will now attack all the mobs around it except his brothers in arms.
Johnny will also attack the Ender Dragon, although she will not incur any damage. However, try not to get comfortable around him since he will still be hostile towards you.
3) Minecraft made in six days
Mojang’s greatest success was created in just six days by Notch. Although many deem this an exaggerated figure, it is known that the initial design took only six days to be prepared and about a month to complete.
It is baffling that such an iconic game was created in just a week. Minecraft was also initially called by another name, "Cave Game." However, Notch later changed it to Minecraft.
4) Minecraft has helped people in real life
Minecraft has made a large impact on players not only in-game but also in real life. However, like any online title, it harbors its fair share of bullies and trolls that make one's experience toxic.
Therefore, to tackle this, a player named Stuart Duncan created a server on June 23, 2013, and named it “Autcraft.” It is designed specifically to help children suffering from autism.
This place provides a haven for children to enjoy the beauty of the game without the fear of being harassed. This simple yet brilliant idea had garnered a lot of attention from the media and had an award-winning research paper published.
5) Creepers were designed to be friendly

One of the most feared and abhorred Minecraft mobs, the creeper, was initially designed to be a friendly character. Notch, the creator of Minecraft, had planned to introduce a docile pig-like entity that players could befriend.
However, due to a texture mashup and coding miscalculation, a unique mob was brought to life. This entity used to sneak behind a player and explode in proximity. Instead of removing the mob from the game, the creators decided to retain it. That's how we got the iconic Creeper.
6) Baby panda drops slime balls

Pandas are one of the cutest mobs found in Minecraft. The baby version of these adorable entities is even more endearing. One unique detail that many will not be aware of is that these baby pandas have a 0.1% chance of dropping slime balls when sneezing.
So next time players are looking to farm slime balls and cannot find slime, they can always try looking for a baby panda with a cold. While it may not be the best way, it sure is bewitching.
7) Shell-less shulker

Shulkers are natives of the End cities. They cover themselves with a shell that functions as armor. This increases their defense, making them harder to kill. These shells can be collected after killing them and used to craft shulker boxes.
That said, splashing a Potion of Invisibility strips them of their shell, leaving them completely exposed. Therefore, next time when you visit the End, remember to carry the potion.
8) Brown mooshroom cows give the suspicious stew

When struck by lightning, mooshrooms get converted to brown variants. Milking these unique variant cows after feeding them a flower gives players suspicious stew. This food item can induce an effect on the consumer depending upon the flower.
These effects can be beneficial or disastrous. Hence, be wary of the flowers that should be fed before milking them for suspicious stew.
9) Every chiseled block represents a face

Players with keen eyes may know this fact. Upon analyzing the chiseled blocks, you can observe a set of eyes staring back at you. As creepy as this may sound, each chiseled block in Minecraft represents a mob face.
The sandstone represents a creeper, while red sandstone has a wither on it. Similarly, the deepslate has a warden's face, with the chiseled quartz looking like an eye. Finally, the blackstone looks like a piglin's snout, while the chiseled nether brick has a wither skull.
10) Ravagers was previously called by another name
This belligerent mob was introduced in Minecon Earth 2018 under a different name, “Illager Beast.” This moniker stuck around for a few snapshots before being changed. Mojang asked the Minecraft community to suggest a name for the creature.
While there were plenty of suggestions that came pouring in, two stood out, “Ravager” and “Behemoth.” In the Java edition 19w05a and Bedrock edition beta, Mojang officially changed the mob's name to Ravager.
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