The stonecutter in Minecraft was a critical addition implemented as part of the highly anticipated "Village and Pillage" 1.14 game update.
This article will highlight everything players need to know about the stonecutter in Minecraft.
The Stonecutter in Minecraft
What does the stonecutter do in Minecraft?

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In simple terms, the stonecutter allows players to turn stone-based blocks into things like stairs, slabs and fences more easily. It lets players skip several tedious steps that would normally be required to craft various blocks when using a regular crafting table.
An example of this would be crafting stone stairs. Players can use a stonecutter to turn a regular stone block directly into a stone stair block. Before the implementation of the stonecutter, players would first have to turn regular stone blocks into slabs, which could then be used to make stairs.
The stonecutter also allows players to craft various items at a smaller scale compared to a regular crafting table. For example, players would normally need 3 whole stone bricks to craft 6 stone slabs. With a stonecutter, however, players only need 1 block of stone to produce 2 stone slabs.
What blocks can be used with the Stone Cutter in Minecraft?
Currently, the stonecutter is able to alter these types of blocks:
- Stone
- Smooth Stone
- Stone Bricks
- Mossy Stone Bricks
- Granite
- Polished Granite
- Diorite
- Polished Diorite
- Cobblestone
- Mossy Cobblestone
- Sandstone
- Smooth Sandstone
- Red Sandstone
- Smooth Red Sandstone
- Prismarine
- Prismarine Bricks
- Dark Prismarine
- Smooth Quartz
- Purpur Block
- Bricks
- Nether Bricks
- Red Nether Bricks
- Basalt
- End Stone
- End Stone Bricks
- Blackstone
- Polished Blackstone
- Block of Copper
- Waxed Copper
How to craft and use a stonecutter in Minecraft

Stonecutter blocks can either be found or crafted. They can be located inside villages, but they are also very cheap to craft, requiring only 3 stone blocks and 1 iron ingot.
A stonecutter block can be interacted with in the same way that players would interact with blocks such as a crafting table, furnace or an anvil.
What is the Stone Mason villager in Minecraft?

The Stone Mason villager is a specific type of Minecraft villager which claims the stonecutter as their job block.
Regular unemployed villagers will turn into a Stone Mason villager if they find a stonecutter block within a village which is also currently unclaimed by another villager.
The Stone Mason villager offers some fairly good trades, the most lucrative of which is a trade of 20 stone in exchange for 1 emerald. Players with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe lying around will have absolutely no trouble obtaining such a small amount of stone.
Minecraft Stonecutter fun facts & trivia:
- A noteblock placed underneath a stonecutter block will produce a "bass drum" noise when activated.
- The stonecutter existed in a primitive and strange state inside old versions of the Bedrock Edition, Pocket Edition, and Nintendo 3DS edition.
- If mined without a pickaxe, a stonecutter block will drop absolutely nothing.
- The stonecutter blade is actually not at all animated if the player looks at it from a certain angle.
- When originally implemented, the stonecutter block was not animated as it is today.
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