Texture packs are one of the primary ways in which Minecraft players can customize their gaming experience. They can modify the textures of blocks, mobs, and even the sky.
All of the texture packs below have support for parallax occlusion mapping (POM) and physical-based rendering (PBR). This means that the texture packs include information about the texture, indentation, and physical properties of each block.
When Minecraft is rendered, the shaders take all of the extra information into account, making blocks interact with light in a realistic way. The end result is an incredibly immersive experience full of subtle bumps, indents, and variances in reflectivity.
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Minecraft texture packs that look amazing with shaders
5) Stratum

Stratum is an ultra-realistic, high-definition 2048x texture pack for 1.19. This pack brings realism to a whole new level. The details it adds, like branches in leaves, twines holding ladders together, and cracks in glazed terracotta, make Minecraft feel incredibly immersive.
Stratum is being developed by a small team of highly skilled artists at Continuum Graphics. They started out by making the famous Continuum shaders before expanding the scope of their project with Stratum. In the future, they plan to create add-ons for Stratum, but for now, they are releasing frequent updates, adding new blocks, and improving old ones.
4) Patrix

The Patrix texture pack is a synthesis of photorealistic and medieval art styles. It strikes the perfect balance between realistic and rustic textures, and the result is perfect for castles and other functional builds, like crop farms and animal pens.
Perhaps the best feature of the Patrix texture pack is that it keeps the colors of blocks similar to the that of the default textures. This means that builds don't look shockingly different when players first install Patrix.
The variation in stone and bricks is another one of this pack's best features. This looks particularly good in builds that already include variations in the block pallet.
3) rotrBLOCKS
The rotrBLOCKS texture pack is a vanilla-inspired, high-definition texture pack. It takes the vanilla textures and stylizes them, using elements of Art Deco, photorealism, and cartoons to add depth and increase resolution. In fact, the pack is available in resolutions as high as 1024x.
What stands out about this pack are the little details it adds to the vanilla textures, like the shininess to the stonecutter blade or the three-dimensional tools on the side on the smithing table. The additional detail it adds to workstations is sure to make even mundane tasks enjoyable.
2) Faithful PBR

Faithful PBR also stays true to the default textures. This pack is perfect for players who like Minecraft's art style but wish it was less pixelated. It upscales the vanilla textures, increasing the resolution of everything from crops to terrifying bosses. As a result of its higher resolution, Faithful PBR also looks smoother and more modern than the default textures, making it suited for contemporary or affluent creations.
Since this pack is an upscale of the default textures, players can benefit from more detail without having to worry about gimmicks. Faithful PBR comes in a wide range of resolutions from 128x to 2048x, meaning there is a resolution for everyone.
1) Vanilla PBR

Vanilla PBR takes default Minecraft textures and adds POM and PBR support. This pack is ideal for players who don't want to modify the game's default art. These textures really bring to life any build that already looks good with the default textures.
The realistic shadows and reflections provided by the numerous small indents and extrusions in the textures distract players from the fact that Vanilla PBR is only a 16x pack.
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