When it comes to gathering resources in Minecraft, farming is often the way to go to collect a large number in a short amount of time.
Resources obviously aren't a problem for Creative Mode players, but in Survival Mode, there's plenty of resources needed for daily operation. These resources include food for the player's character, materials to craft and repair tools, and experience for creating enchantments.
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Regardless of what players are after, there are typically farms to collect them over time, automated or not. While Minecraft 1.18 is still relatively new, it's a good time to look at some of the best manual farms currently available in the game.
Minecraft: Ranking the top manual farms in Version 1.18
5) Wheat/Potato/Beetroot/Carrot Farms

In Minecraft's Survival Mode, players aren't likely to get far without food. Without food, it becomes incredibly difficult to regenerate lost health from battle. Some food items also have different crafting applications as well, so it's good practice to keep food on-hand or in storage.
Fortunately, basic crops such as wheat, potatoes, carrots, and beetroots are very easy to grow and can be manually harvested at a player's discretion.
For Minecraft fans just starting out in a world, these farms can be key to early survival.
4) Iron Farms

Much like food items, iron is a vital resource in Minecraft survival. It is a core crafting component not only for tools but for many other Minecraft blocks and items, so it's a good idea to keep a stock available.
Most iron farms operate through the corralling and disposing of iron golems (which can be a bit sad), with the results being exceptional. Although many iron farms are automated, manual forms exist that allow players to eliminate and collect when they see fit.
3) Wood Farms

Wood, like previous entries on this list, is one of those materials that Minecraft players don't do so well without. Not only can wood be fashioned into various decoration blocks, it is also vital for the creation of sticks, which are used to make most of the tools in the game.
With that in mind, planting and growing one's own grove of trees is a great idea to keep wood resources high. Harvesting can take some time depending on the size of the tree farm, but that's what enchantments like Efficiency are for!
2) Villager Farms

Villagers can be incredibly helpful mobs for Minecraft players, especially because villager professions exist. Thanks to these professions, players are capable of trading different items for Emeralds and vice versa.
Many farms, both manual and automated, exist to breed villagers in a contained environment. From there, players can put them to work nearby or attach them to certain job blocks to change their profession.
Once they have the preferred profession, Minecraft players can then trade with their new villagers at will, increasing their profession levels and unlocking better trades along the way.
1) Mob Farms

Experience is a great thing to have in Minecraft, as it allows players to convert XP levels into essentials like enchantments or equipment repairs. Because of this, mob farms have always been popular since their inception.
Not only are they great sources of XP, mob farms also provide a steady stream of items depending on the mobs that are eliminated. Coveted items like blaze rods and ender pearls are much easier to access thanks to mob farms, and Minecraft players enjoying the mid-to-late game come to rely on them often.
Because Minecraft 1.18 reworked hostile mob spawning (now requiring a light level of zero to spawn a hostile mob), some mob farms may need to be revamped, but enclosing an existing mob farm shouldn't be too difficult.
Much like other farms, there are many automated mob farms, but some of the simplest designs such as the "drop tower" method hurls mobs into a kill zone where players can defeat them in one hit, allowing them to quickly reap the rewards.
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