The debug stick is one of the most unknown items in Minecraft. It can only be used in creative mode with cheats enabled.
As seen in the image above, the debug stick can be utilized to make some very interesting blocks. One Minecraft Redditor dubbed the contraption in the image "The Extended Sticky Cheston." However, this is only one example of how the debug stick can be wielded.
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Obtaining the debug stick in Minecraft

As stated above, the debug stick can only be obtained in creative worlds or in worlds that have cheats enabled. However, it cannot be found in the creative inventory menu.
The debug stick can only be spawned in with commands such as "/give @s debug_stick". This is the main reason why many players are unaware of its existence.
The debug stick cannot be used in survival or adventure mode since it will act as a regular item.
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How the debug stick works in Minecraft

Since its release in 1.13, many players have discovered different uses for the debug stick. These uses got increasingly ridiculous as time went on.
At a basic level, the debug stick changes the state of a block. Hitting a block brings up a menu for players to select their desired alteration, such as changing the direction the block is facing.
The debug stick also allows for extremely complex block manipulation. For example, the image above showcases blockless ladders, diagonal rails, and a bed without the pillow block attached.
Most of the debug stick's uses are quite strange. However, some players create great-looking designs due to its almost limitless capabilities.
The above video by logdotzip showcases how to create some interesting blocks using the debug stick.
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