Minecraft's End Cities are some of the most sought-after locations in the game. This is mainly due to the fact that they have a chance at holding the Elytra, which is one of the best items in Minecraft. While an End City is a bountiful location, it is definitely not without its dangers.
To get to an End City, players must either have enough blocks or Ender Pearls to reach the outer islands of the End. While Ender Pearls are not technically necessary to get to the cities, at least one pearl is needed to enter the End Gateway, which is the player's first step in finding an End City.
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The End City in Minecraft
The Arrival

Players can find End Cities through a number of different techniques. They can read this article to learn how to locate an End City in detail.
After arriving at an End City, players will be greeted with a massive structure that seems to defy gravity. If the player is lucky, there will also be an End Ship flying close to the structure. Around 56% of End Cities will have an End Ship nearby.
Players are advised to wear enchanted Iron Amor to take on the End City safely.
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The Structure

The castles located in the End City are extremely perilous. Players must be on the lookout for Shulkers, as they will cause the most trouble for the player.
Shulkers shoot bullets that will track the player as they move. These bullets will deal damage and inflict the player with the Levitation status effect. Levitation causes the player to continuously float upward for ten seconds.
Players are advised to bring Water Buckets or wear Feather Falling boots to mitigate the fall damage.
Players will likely find great loot inside an End City. The following loot can be found inside End Cities:
- Ender Chests
- Purpur Blocks
- Shulker Shells
- Loot Chests
- End Rods
- Banners
Also read: 5 things players didn't know about Ender Pearls in Minecraft
End Ship

The End Ship is pretty much the main reason why players even search for End Cities.
More specifically, players are hoping to acquire the Elytra, which allows them to glide long distances extremely quickly. In addition to housing the Elytra (shown above), End Ships will also contain loot chests that usually have decent loot.
As stated above, End Ships are found in around 56% of End Cities, so players who find them in their first city are definitely lucky!
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