Players are eagerly waiting for the Minecraft 1.21 update. In every snapshot for this patch, new features are added or tweaked. The latest snapshot 24w09a brings a lot of new tweaks to the upcoming features, mainly the wolf armor. Players have been asking for any type of armor for their pet wolf, and Minecraft has finally added it to the roster for the upcoming update.
The snapshot adds more features to the base wolf armor, showing that Mojang is clearly going in the right direction when it comes to the wolf armor. Here's everything new about this piece of equipment for Steve’s best friend.
Minecraft snapshot adds dyed wolf armor

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Wolf armor can be made using scutes that are regularly dropped by Armadillos, an upcoming mob. This means that players can collect a decent number of them quickly.
The wolf armor provides the same amount of protection to the wolf as the diamond armor does to the horse. But since the former item can only be made from scutes, it leaves very little room for customization.
The latest Minecraft snapshot gives players the ability to dye wolf armor, just like the leather one can be dyed. This means that if someone has more than one tamed wolf, they can easily use different colored wolf armor to differentiate them.
Using dyes of any color, players can make different-colored wolf armor. Do note that these are experimental features and can be changed drastically when the final version is released.
Apart from adding dyes to wolf armor, Mojang is offering other great, quality-of-life improvements for it. The Minecraft wolf armor will show signs of breakage as it loses its durability. This feature will help players gauge how long the item is going to last so that it can be replaced on time.
Another great addition is that wolf owners can repair the armor using armadillo scutes while it is equipped by the wolf. This makes the entire fixing process much easier as the armor does not have to be taken off. It is repaired in the anvil or crafting table and then placed back on the wolf.

Apart from these changes, the Bogged — which is a new mob found in the trial chambers and swamp biome — is getting upgraded textures and an enhanced model. A new way of interacting with this entity has also been added. Using sheers on the Bogged will now drop two mushrooms, either red or brown or one of each.
These changes go well with the Bogged's appearance and habitat as it lives in mangrove forests and swamps, places where mushrooms are very common.
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