2012 — It was the year that titans of the Minecraft YouTube community came together and formed something that we had never seen before: Team Crafted.
Team Crafted mainly consisted of seven members: Adam "SkyDoesMinecraft" Dahlberg, Jason "MinecraftUniverse" Probst, Quentin "HuskyMudkipz" Juneau, Jerome "ASFJerome" Aceti, Mitch "BajanCanadian" Hughes, Tyler "Deadlox" Ellis, and Ian "SSundee" Stapleton.
The group was founded in February 2012 by its now-former member Deadlox, and collapsed in March 2014.
The group saw incredible success in both their collaborations as a team, and their solo careers, so why did it end? There were rumors of fights and arguments between the members, channels suddenly left inactive, and every rumor coming to a head when members of the team began leaving.
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The Beginning

In 2012, Team Crafted began as an idea pitched by Deadlox to SkyDoesMinecraft in a Skype call. Sky had doubts about the team working out, but soon changed his mind and jumped on board with the idea.
From there, they recruited MinecraftUniverse, Setosorcerer, HuskyMudkipz, KermitPlaysMC, SSundee, Cavemanfilms, and Sky's now ex-girlfriend, Dawn.
They were also accompanied by DeciptiBonk, who played the role of the team's artist.
The team wasn't set in stone by this stage, as most members didn't even make it to the release of the Team Crafted trailer. It took years for the roster to stay set in stone.
After just a few days of being a member, Cavemanfilms left and was replaced with both ASFJerome and BajanCanadian.
In the summer of 2013, two more members departed the team. Kermit left the team to go solo with his career, stating that he didn't want everyone to think he got his subscribers and fame from Team Crafted. Dawn, who was engaged to Sky at the time, broke up with him and left the team. She deleted all her social media accounts and disappeared from having an internet presence in the process.
This period of time felt like a baking process for Team Crafted. They went through this invoulentary waiting period while trying to map out their next steps, which seemed to strip off the initial members that wouldn't stay with the team.
It was also during this time that their production team grew from just their artist, Bonkers, to include both Blue Monkey and WeedLion as the team's animators.
Team Crafted then launched their website and announced that they would be buying a house so they would have a much easier time recording together.
Setosorcerer Controversy

In early November of 2013 — Team Crafted was in full swing. They opened their channel with a video showing off the new house and announcing that they planned to do more skits, vlogs, and even a survival series with the team.
However, fans began to notice that Setosorcerer was absent from the Team Crafted featured channels (which listed all seven members, except him). Seto's channel was also largely inactive at the time.
Seto then released a video which goes through his side of the story. He states that he was removed from Team Crafted since August. He says that he was kicked out of the team with no warnings and no justified reason, which was the cause of his recent inactivity and depression.
Seto also states that the only member that tried to keep him in the group was Deadlox.
The video was later taken down and re-uploaded without Seto's consent through a third party. Team Crafted received heavy backlash for how they handled the situation. The influx of hate weighed heavily on BajanCanadian, since he was the one to initially suggest removing Seto from the group.
Sky later released a statement on his, now inactive, Tumblr explaining his side of the story.
He stated that the true reason he was removed from the team was because they wanted to veer away from Minecraft to explore other things. Ideas such as going to events, vlogging, and skits were on the table, but since Seto didn't want his name, face, or location on the internet, it made moving on to those ideas more difficult.
He also stated that Deadlox had voted him off, but Seto didn't state this since he hadn't been speaking with anyone on the team except Deadlox in that time.
Although they did offer to continue recording with him, Seto rejected their offers with silence.
Sky extended an apology towards Seto later on, wishing he had been a better friend to him in the moment. Seto accepted this apology and told his fans that he was on good terms with Team Crafted once again, and didn't want to discuss what happened further in order to keep the incident from straining relations with them.
The Fall of Team Crafted

In March 2014, shortly after the group announced Ryan "xRpMx13" McNulty as their newest member, Sky announced on Twitter that he was leaving Team Crafted.
He didn't give a reason, though fans had grounds to speculate that it was because of the new commercialized approach to the team that their manager, Matt Michaelson, had taken.
The speculation was later confirmed by Sky's now ex-wife Alesa on her ask.fm account.
Sky's departure left a wake in his place as more members began to follow in his footsteps. Deadlox, the founder of Team Crafted, left the group claiming that he was "in the same boat as Sky." HuskyMudkipz also left to focus on and pursue his own channel. Blue Monkey left with the sentiment that "having an animator in a group of players didn't make any sense."
Just a couple of weeks later, both Bonkers and WeedLion left the group without giving a reason. Team Crafted membership is now dwindling to five.
The reason for these sudden departures is still debated. Some blame BajanCanadian for facilitating the commercialized approach their manager implemented towards the team. Others blame Sky for simply leaving.
The channel fell silent after losing over half of its members, and the community largely deemed the team disbanded.
Post Break-up Feuds

Sky had a number of fallouts with previous members of Team Crafted after his departure. Those members namely being SSundee and MinecraftUniverse. The most notorious of these fallouts was his feud with BajanCanadian.
The pair suddenly stopped recording together for months and the link to Bajan's channel vanished from the description box of every single video of Sky's that he was in. This led fans to speculate that the cause was a Twitter squabble they had over Animation April.
Sky accused Bajan of taking his subscribers' hard animation work solely to profit off of it. This accusation has never been proven, though Bajan never explicitly said how he would pay animators, or if he would at all.
Bajan responded to the tweet, though it was quickly removed later:
"Everyone has those "friends," nothing more to say here."
Preston "TBNRFrags" Arsement's girlfriend at the time, Sara, who was a good friend to both Jerome and Bajan said this on her ask.fm page when answering questions about the fight:
"They just realized that they wanted different things, and they decided to not record or be friends anymore. It's very common for people to drift apart due to different wants."
On 9 October 2014, Sky officially acknowledged that something had happened between him and Bajan through a now deleted tweet. Bajan accepted the apology through another deleted tweet, but luckily Jerome's response to them both is still up for viewing.
People remained weary of this due to the fact that there was belief that they had truly grown too far apart to fix. Their commentary styles remain vastly different. While Sky curses in his videos, Jerome and Mitch try to keep their content and language relatively tame.
Although fans bounced back and forth speculating that the fight wasn't over, Sky and Bajan have since collaborated on a few projects. Those, namely being a couple Team Crafted Reunion videos, and even starting a series called "Nostaligia Craft," hosted by the two of them.
The Future of Team Crafted

Team Crafted is something that will only live on in the memories of those who were there to experience it. It's safe to say there won't be another Team Crafted quite like the one that was formed in the first place, it wouldn't be right if there was.
The Team Crafted channel is still technically active, but it's been redesigned and given to another creator on the platform under the name FlyCraft.
Despite fallouts and feuds, most of the members seem to be on good terms with each other. There is still unresolved drama, especially on Sky's end of things. It seems like we won't get the answers to the questions we've been asking for years, for now.
SkyDoesMinecraft's channel has now been changed to "Sky Does Everything," to generalize the channel's content to include his love for creating music amongst other projects. As of now he hasn't uploaded in a couple months, but says there's new music to be anticipated.
ASFJerome still uploads daily, though he's broadened his horizons and opened up his channel to other games such as Fortnite and more. He still plays Minecraft and produces content for the game.
BajanCanadian has been inactive as of February 2nd, 2021. His old videos have been unlisted with only his Minecraft music videos present on his channel.
HuskyMudkipz diverted away from Minecraft to focus on his music career under the name "Doq." Though it seems he's returned to his old channel primarily for streaming and posting Minecraft videos with some familiar faces. As of four months ago, he's hasn't been actively posting videos.
Deadlox has moved away from Minecraft completely. His old content and original channel disappeared around 2017 to 2018. He now has a new channel called "Lox," where he produces family friendly Fortnite content with other creators such as MrTop5.
MinecraftUniverse has been inactive on his original channel since 25 June 2019.
SSundee is still uploading consistently to his channel. Statistically, he's managed to keep his channel going incredibly and his viewers happy through opening up his content to games like Among Us and Fortnite. Though he still plays Minecraft from time to time.
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